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Chapter Twenty-Seven | Wrote Home About You


Alex's eye twitched as she sunk into the leather of her seat, eyeing the students milling about in the school's parking lot. "We can turn around." Her expression of annoyance flattened as she glanced over at Edward. "Don't—" The man waved a hand, cutting her off to which Alex blinked, taken aback by the gesture of silence. "I'm not coddling you, I'm just stating a fact because you could step out of this car and maul the people on a whim." She stared, surprised as the silence lapsed long enough that the vampire spoke up again. "Do you think you're good to go today, Alex? Tell me now. If not, I take you back home."

Her eyes sparked at the demand, a slow grin tugging at her lips as some of the tension ebbed from her body. "I like it when you get bossy." Alex had forgotten how good flustered looked on the man, her eyes gleaming with delight as Edward pointedly kept his eyes ahead. "Alex, stop it." She leaned against the door, her grin sly as he realized a moment later that he was doing very little to help the situation he'd found himself in. "Don't." Her grin widened. "I haven't said anything." Having parked, he put the vehicle in drive and peeked at her only to turn away with an eye roll when he saw her smug face. 

"You've said a lot without saying much at all." She chuckled, biting her bottom lip as her eyes narrowed with mischievous purpose but the woman was startled as her door was opened swiftly and without warning. She'd deny her yelp as she caught herself, her reflexes and seatbelt working in her favour as she whipped around to glare at the culprit. All Emmett did was flash her a cheeky smile as he unbuckled her belt and all but yanked her from the car. "You were taking too long." Alex scowled, shoving his shoulder half-heartedly. "We were parked for a minute, Emmett!" 

In the face of her exasperation, the vampire flashed her a grin. "Yeah, well, little bro was crying for help. Ask Jasper, he—" Jasper, plastered to Alice's side, shot his younger brother a glare. "Hey, now, leave me outta this." Alex blinked, glancing at each involved family member before she craned her neck to look up at Edward as the man rounded the car, settling at her side despite his bashfulness. "Edward, I have no shame. Your family is not going to stop me from saying how bad I want you to f—" she cut herself off just as a hand covered her mouth, sly, dark brown boring into the dilated pupils of a flustered amber. "Alex!" 

Behind her, Emmett laughed, boisterous and loud, and Alex gently removed Edward's hand from her mouth as she peered up at the man through her lashes. "Whatever you filled the gap in with I am very, very open to doing." Much to her absolute pleasure, Edward exhaled a hitching breath, his eyes flashing black a moment before he actively leaned away from her, desperate to regain some control. Alex intended to sink her teeth in further and tease the man but a hand tugging a lock of her hair had her playful smile faltering, a deep growl rumbling in her chest. "Emmett, I am going to bite you."

Eyes more gold than amber and much more mischievous than the ones she favoured peered down at her as the man flashed her a grin despite the wariness that had affected those aware enough to sense the actual threat. "You wouldn't. I'm too cute." He teased, waggling his eyebrows in a way that reluctantly softened her simmering annoyance. "You forget he has no survival instincts," Alice piped up, Alex sparing her a glance to see her resting a calming hand on Jasper's shoulder, Rosalie's tense posture relaxing a moment later. 

"He needs to," Alex grumbled, turning her attention to Emmett seconds later, "You need to. Emmett, sometimes I actually want to bite you." The reaction was about what she expected, the man processing it in seconds before his eyes narrowed like he had won some sort of prize. "Alex," he breathed, a trait that ran among them all, she noticed. In any moment of pure emotion, the vampires often resorted to human characteristics, a reaction that Alex was admittedly growing to find endearing. "Are you telling me you get cuteness aggression with me?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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