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Chapter Seven | One Step Forward, Three Steps Back

Chapter Seven | One Step Forward, Three Steps Back

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"I know I'm not crazy." Alex glanced up at her sister from where they sat in their pickup, stalling some as school was yet to start. "No, you think you know you're not crazy. There's a difference." The eldest of the two said, giving the unimpressed brunette a mocking smile. "I know I saw you get hit, Alex. I don't know how you're okay and I'm grateful but just—how?" The woman gave an exaggerated sigh and she pointedly gestured to the clear, untouched skin of her exposed arms and pointedly patted down her body to emphasize the absence of any injuries.

"No injuries, no cuts, no bruises, Bells. I'm serious when I said the van almost got me. It didn't touch a hair on my head." During her pat-down, she'd irritated the healing bruise on her abdomen but other than phantom discomfort, there was nothing else. "I. . . I can't believe it. From my end—" Alex nodded, "From your end, you saw me and the van coming straight for me before I was just gone. I'm fine. Edward recovered quickly and he got me out of there."

Bella hummed absently, staring ahead with furrowed brows. "How did you convince him not to take you to the hospital?"

At that, Alex grinned. "Oh, I just asked him. He was very respectful of my decision."

The brunette gave her an odd look for that but was appreciative of the boy's obedience nonetheless. "I feel like there's more but he did the whole town a favour. You nearly killed a doctor at eleven—you'd kill three now."

"I'll take the hidden compliment." Bella rolled her eyes, a fond smile on her lips. The pair made the mutual decision to exit the pickup as the ringing of the bell was mere minutes away. Alex was barely out in the public eye when she felt a ridiculous amount of people watching her. Her look of discomfort was incredibly brief but nevertheless, Bella caught it and the brunette was dramatic as she did a doubletake. "Is. . . is that—are you uncomfortable in the spotlight?"

Alex gave her adoptive sister a half-hearted glare. "Well, excuse me for wanting a bit of a break after nearly getting my chest ripped open."

Bella, despite her spike of worry, shrugged with a small smirk. "Maybe you should've gotten hit with less of an audience."

Alex snorted, the pair standing almost exactly where the accident had transpired. "Yeah, I'll consider that next time." She murmured as she examined the damage done with a frown, her fingers tracing the indented metal.

Her sister, staring straight ahead, didn't notice her actions or her expression as she urged her to follow. "Mhm, come on. Let's head in—unless you want to say a word to your boyfriend first." Alex hesitated for a split second, bewildered by the moniker before realization settled on her features. She tossed a look over her shoulder where she knew Edward was usually parked and found him standing there with Alice and Jasper. He noticed her gaze immediately, offering her a small smile just as Alice gave a brighter one paired with a wave, Jasper acknowledging her with a casual incline of his head. 

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