Chapter 33: The Plan

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**weeks later**

•Jasmine🌼 POV•

These past few weeks have been hell I've been calling my mom a lot lately and just been checking up on her. I miss my mommy I was thinking about going down there to see her.

I've been missing and hating Dwayne all at the same time. I've been debating on wether I should call him or wait to see if he's going to call me. While I was worrying about that my boys came in the room.

"Hey mommy are you okay?" They asked me at the same time. "Yeah babies mommas fine...why y'all ask?" I asked them and I kissed them. "Well your mood as changed ever since daddy left....we just wanted to come and check up on you." Dwayne said. "Oh mommas fine...I really appreciate you guys coming up here and checking up on me it means a lot...I love you so much." I said and I brought them to me and hugged on them while kissing there foreheads.

"We love you to mommy" they said. "How about me go downstairs and watch cartoons with a whole bunch of junk food?" I asked them. They looked at each other then ran towards my door. "ILL GET THE CARTOONS" yelled jack. "AND I'LL GET THE JUNK FOOD!!" Yelled Dwayne. I smiled at my boys. I loved seeing them happy.

I walked downstairs and got ready to enjoy a lovely evening with my boys.

**hours later**

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing and it was a text from Dwayne. I got up slowly and put a cover over the boys because they where sleeping. And walked upstairs quietly.

I looked at my phone and opened the text.

**text convo**
Dwayne💞🙈: Dear Jasmine...I'm so sorry for what I said to you the last time we talked...I was mad that you didn't want to de with me. So I decided that since it was finally over than I should move on...I'm moving to New York tomorrow at 10:00. We can discuss custody whenever your ready to I'll send you my managers number...Jasmine I'm so sorry I hurt you..I never mean where my whole heart you still are...but if I'm not your than I won't push anything...I still love you and always princess Jasmine Jenkins.

**end of Text Convo**

After I got done reading I was crying my eyes out. I need someone to talk to about this so I decided to call my mom. She picked up on the first ring. "Hey honey how are you?" My mom asked. "Mom...I don't know what to do...I think I....I think I just lost Dwayne." I said as I broke down. "Wait wait wait honey slow down one word at a time." She said.

I told her everything as I continued to cry.

"Oh my poor baby....if y'all aren't in love then I don't know what y'all are." She said chuckling. She continued. "Babygirl He isn't going anywhere....he is in love with are his treasure...his are his other half...he loves you more than life it's self...that's a good man...don't lose him over such a little fight...find him....and love him to the best of your ability....because a man like him only comes once in a lifetime." My mom said.

"Okay thank you mom...I know what I'm supposed to do now I'll call you tomorrow I love you." I said.

"I love you too babygirl" after she said that I hunged up.

I was walking all around my room trying to think this through...what should I do....what should I do...I said to myself.

Then it came to me I packed an over night back and one for the boys, after that I went downstairs and woke the boys up.

"Come on babies your friend Greg got a new train set and he wasn't to show you guys." I said to them. "Ugh he couldn't wait tell tomorrow?" Jack asked as she whipped his eyes. "I told you we shouldn't have been friend with him but noooo you wanna be nice to everybody." Dwayne said as he walked up to there room with jack right beside him.

They changed into some sweats, jack had on a white shirt with white Nike's and Dwayne had on a black shirt with some black Nike's. I texted Greg's mom's while they where getting dressed if the boys could stay at hers for a while she said yes and now everything is all set.

After they where done they grabbed there bags and walked to the car. I opened the car and put them in and made sure there set belts where on. Then we drove to Greg's moms house.

"Y'all hungry?" I asked them as we stopped at McDonald's. "Yes can I get a happy meal?" Jack asked. "Oh yeah me too please" jr asked. I got there food and told them to hold it.

We got to Greg's house and I got the boys out the car and told them I loved them and I'll see them Sunday.

After that I drove right back to the house and packed me a little sleeping bag just in case I needed it.

After that I set an alarm for tomorrow and went to sleep dreaming about Dwayne.


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