Chapter 4

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I soared across the night sky with my mother in tow. The sky looked beautiful, the wind just right. I scanned the area below and sighed. Thoughts of my existence tortured me, I shouldn't have been born, I blame myself even though it isn't entirely my fault. My mother's voice echoed in my head, 'It isn't your fault, Luna, stop blaming yourself. I love you nonetheless' She had a calming tone in her voice, and it soothed my worries.

I saw a nearby lake with thick trees surrounding it, it will last us for today. The moon was setting so we started to land. I shook my wings and sighed out some steam as I was getting ready to shift to my human form. My mother stood over by the lake's edge and scanned the area intently. I rolled my eyes started my shift, my bones breaking and rearranging themselves, you'd think it would be agonizing but I have grown used to it, you start to get numb after a few years doing it continuously.

I walked towards the lake and began to submerge myself, when you shift to and from dragon form, your clothes are ripped to shreds, so usually I wear makeshift clothes with leaves and mud, disgusting I know, but what do you expect from a dragon shapeshifter? I hummed out in content at the cool waters against my skin, I saw my scales on my shoulders and arms reflecting what's left of the moonlight.

I floated on my back and stared at the sky, I sighed out and purple smoke danced in front of me, night dragons have purple flames, but each dragon has different colored flames of course. I held in my breath and dunked my head under the water, I saw fish swimming around and suddenly my stomach began to growl, I realized I haven't eaten anything for a while, even though dragons can last many days without food, I'm still part human, so I need to feed this half of me. I swam after some fishes, but they were fast, I growled in frustration.

Finally after around 5 minutes give or take, I caught one, I didn't really care if it was raw or cooked so I just dug in right then and there with my fangs. 'Luna, I'm going to go hunt for some food, I want you to stay safe while I'm gone, do you understand little one?'' My mother's voice entered my head, I mumbled an 'mhm' as I was finishing off my breakfast. I heard wings flapping and I knew my mother was off.


It's been hours since my mother left, I was growing slightly worried so I tried to use my telepathy.

'Mom? Where are you? It's been a few hours since you've left, everything okay?' I had a tone of panic in my voice as I tried to reach her.

''I'm still searching, nothing's out here for miles, it's a bit concerning. But I think I see something a few more miles ahead, I will contact you if anything happens'' She cut off the link after that. I sighed out.

I laid down leafs by the water, constructing a bed for myself, I shouldn't sleep in my dragon form since it I do not want to be found out if any human walks by, even if that is highly unlikely. I laid down, me and mother sleep whenever we can, no matter if it's day or night but we usually sleep during the day when we are a tad bit weaker, and of course the other dragons aren't all coming at us.

I had a sharp pain in my chest once again. I growled out and stumbled trying to get to my feet. 'Ambushed by slayers again, but they're more of them. Hurry, the sun is coming and I'm not at my strongest' She sounded panicked so I started to shift, it's sad since we rarely get any peaceful sleep.

I spread my wings and took off into the sky, I huffed as I felt my mother's presence far away, I growled loudly and tried to fly faster, but the pain in my chest was worsening. I heard my mother's screams through my head, tears were threatening to fall from my eyes, 'NO' I thought, this is NOT how my mother ends, I can't let it be, I can't do this without her here, I am not ready to lose her, not now.

I silently wept as I flew in the direction of her scent, I tried communicating with her throughout the flight, but she hasn't responded to me, each second I grew more worried.

'Please don't be dead, please no..' I thought to myself constantly.

I couldn't feel her pain. I finally spotted an area with purple flames arising. I roared out and flew faster to the spot. I flew down and landed heavily on the ground. I panted fast as I didn't see any slayers anywhere, not even with my enhanced vision. I spotted my mother in the distance with a silver harpoon through her chest. She didn't seem like she was breathing, my eyes widened at the sight as I rushed over to her, she was breathing but very faintly. She turned her head slowly towards me and huffed out faint purple smoke. I growled and shifted to human. I gripped her talon tightly, begging her not to leave me alone in this world. ''Mom, don't leave, I'll do anything, just please don't leave me like this'' I cried out, mother tried to smile at me but failed, 'You'll be okay my child, stay strong and don't forget, you're the queen now'' She faintly said in my head, I began hyperventilating and tensed my muscles as her breathing completely stopped and her eyes closed.

My eyes were emitting thin purple flames out of the corners, I was furious, not at my mother, but at the slayers. I wanted them to suffer under my talons.

Unknown's POV

I looked at the dragon girl in sadness. Her hair is a wavy brown mess, her skin is covered in mud. Losing a mother must be heartbreaking. I saw the whole killing of her mother, those beasts had no remorse. It isn't surprising though, ages ago dragons ruled this world easily, now humans are trying to capture them for experiments or kill them for the price of their scales and heads. From what I've read on about dragons there is one dragon no one would dare face, he's named the King of the elementals, an extremely ancient and powerful dragon, ruling along with his queen, they have one daughter, legend says that a mage imbued the egg with a curse, which resulted as the first half dragon, and therefore shunned for being impure, that is why being a half dragon is looked down upon. She escaped the king and queen in fear, sadly no one knows of her whereabouts. It could be myths I read, there's not much else I remember from the book, except all dragons fear the family.

As for me? My name is Nyla, I'm the werewolf daughter of the alpha of the leading strongest pack in the world, what a big honor right? I just so happen to let my wolf Rawa out for a run at the worst possible time. I had to help this dragon, I don't care if she's part human, everyone needs someone to have a shoulder to cry on. I started to shift back into my human form, I took my dress from behind the tree that I brought with me and put it on. I was a bit nervous introducing myself, but I won't back away from someone that just lost a family member.

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