Chapter 11

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Freja's POV

I woke up with heat emitting from beside me, I carefully sat up and saw that Luna was asleep, but she had this violet glow outlining her, it looked ethereal, just like her. I knew from experience that she was having a nightmare. It's a side effect of Night Dragons. 

I was so curious at what she was dreaming of, so I made the risky decision of peering into her dream. I rested two fingers on top of her forehead and closed my eyes. I will admit that I never done this before, but I was taught by my dad.

I immediately gasped and opened my eyes and I could feel my eyes go solid purple. Purple flames erupting everywhere, and in the middle was Luna on her knees and looking up at the sky, she looked hopeless and pale. Then suddenly her eyes were on fire and she let out this earth trembling scream, her scales began surfacing. Something stood out though, a very faint outlined spirit of another dragon wrapped around her tiny form, she lost someone. Dragons don't deal with loss well at all, especially loved ones. They seek revenge if the loved one was killed. I can sense this dragon was murdered. Luna had the vengeful aura surrounding her. 

I saw the nightmare slowly fade when flames completely engulfed the forest surrounding her, next thing I saw was Luna sleeping still, but with her brows furrowed. If I was anything but a dragon, her flames would burn me. I gently shook her awake, prepared for a slap across my cheek. She woke up and bared her pointy teeth, but immediately retracted them when she saw it was me. 

''Freja? What's wrong?'' She sat up quickly and focused her attention towards me.

''Nothing, you were having a nightmare so I was watching over you'' I said shyly.

She sighed out in relief and relaxed her shoulders but still on alert as she was looking at our surroundings.

''We fell asleep, or at least I did'' She chuckled and grazed the water with her foot. I saw a twinkle in her eyes and it looked just like the stars were smiling.

''At least you were asleep beside me'' I said under my breath, but of course she could hear me no problem.

She closed her eyes and I could see the edge of her lips turn upwards, and the stars in the sky shone brighter in unison. She was truly loved, by all the stars.

 ''You know, Freja. You are confusing, you're a dragon I know, I can sense a night dragon in you, but..'' She cut herself off, looking down and humming to herself. 

''I'll leave you wondering, my lovely mate'' I winked at her and directed my gaze towards the water. 

She can't know. Not yet.

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