Chapter 12

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Luna's POV

I had my arms folded against my chest, I felt this burning feeling inside me that I've experienced when I saw my dead mother. I felt restless and growled under my breath, I felt Freja's arm shyly wrapped around my waist and I felt slightly calmer, but the rage was buried deep within my core. I let a tear shed from my eye and I heard my mate whisper my name in question and I averted my gaze towards her and tilted my head. ''What's on your mind, Luna?'' She asked me soothingly and I broke my walls down slowly.

''My mother is gone, there's no bringing her back, is there?'' I asked her and I choked on a sob. I composed myself quickly, dragons can't cry. 

She tilted my chin up to face her and she brought her other hand up to stroke my cheek gently and I relaxed somewhat. ''She's not gone, the stars hold her soul now and forever will until you will reunited with her again, just remember every day we are closer to seeing our fallen'' She slid her hands towards mine and gripped them in a comforting way. I breathed out a breath I didn't know I was holding and shook my head. ''Thank you, Freja. Could we head back to the wolf pack, please?'' She nodded and I led her back, I had my eye on her every once and a while and saw her look down in deep thought. What could my mate be hiding?

We were close to the pack house when I suddenly felt my insides turn with rage, I instantly let go of my mate's hand and clutched my heart as I kept lowly growling. I whipped my head around and bared my teeth as my eyes lit up, I felt my scales and claws surfacing and I lunged out towards the trespasser with purple flames igniting my body, it was a human and I pinned him down with rage evident in my eyes. They looked at me in fear and their form was trembling under my claws, I felt my horns appear and my face contorting. I raised my hand up preparing to end their life when I felt arms pulls my back with a large amount of force and pulled into my mate's chest. 

''Luna what are you thinking?!'' I heard her scream at me in worry, I then saw the human up and speed through the forest. I thrashed around in my mate's arms and roared, I felt Freja's fingers stroke my hair back and sat down with me in her lap as I cried out into the night sky. 

''They killed my mother! I hate humans! I hate them so much..'' I cried out to her and my body shook violently.

I heard paws running through the woods towards us, I turned my head ready to attack whoever now. I saw it was Nyla and her mate.

''Luna? What's going on? I sensed someone was here and then I heard screaming'' Nyla shifted back to human and knelt down in front of me, resting her palm on my knee.

I shook my head and sighed, averting back to normal. Nyla and Freja helped me up and we went back to the pack house, worry was evidence on all their faces.  

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