I am the most soberest girl in the whole world

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"Wait, who am I sharing a cab with? I refuse to be the designated driver again!" Sebastian asked as we all stood in the lobby of the hotel, waiting on the last few people to meet us.

"You're going with Robert, Chris and Carter." Lizzie replied as she slipped her phone into her clutch bag.

"You're all grown men and you can't remember details I told you not even twenty minutes ago?" I laughed.

"Twenty minutes is a long time kid." Chris chuckled as he threw his arm over my shoulder with ease, despite me having on a pair of high heels.

Why am I the only child to have inherited mom's short gene? Why couldn't Chris?

"Finally!" I heard Lizzie call. I turned to see Scarlet and Letitia speed walking toward us and mumbling apologies.

"Now let's go!" I shouted, being met with cheers from everyone.

I started walking towards the door of the hotel. Everyone else has such longer legs than me that allowed them to walk a lot faster than I could.

I ended up at the back of the group, taking my time rather than rush and risk hurting myself.

I met up with the people I was sharing a cab with and climbed in - of course, not without the hoots and hollers from the crowds of fans that were waiting outside.

We all sent them waves as the cabs pulled away and set off towards the club.

             The music was thumping as we all danced along to the beat. I had a drink in my hand and many more already in my system.

As I had my fourth tequila shot, I felt myself becoming more relaxed and free.

I wasn't sure why I'd invited Tom, perhaps I felt bad that he'd be the only one stuck at the hotel. It was a pretty big club, chances of me being left with him were pretty slim.

"It's Lizzie!" I called as she started walking through the crowd. "Where have you been! I looked everywhere for you!" I laughed as I stepped towards her, stumbling the whole way.

"More drinks!" She cheered. I reached for the glass but instead knocked it and sent alcohol flying into the air before landing on us.

"Oh no!" I hiccuped, giggling away at the sight of my friend covered in vodka.

"Carter! I think - I think that you're too drunk!" She giggled, pointing at my hair. My brows furrowed as I attempted to look at it.

"What a load of bull frog!" I shouted. "No wait, that's not right! Bull shit!"

My vision was starting to blur as I became more excitable.

"I love this song!" I yelled. "I'm going to find everyone. I'm sure everyone loves this song!"

I quickly spun around, attempting to find my cast mates and leaving Lizzie alone on the dance floor.

I made my way to our booth that was off to the side of the dance floor. I held onto the side as I tried to focus my vision.

"Thomas! Tommy, my boy!" I shouted as his face came into focus.

The laughing boy and his best friend turned to look at me, their giggling not stopping.

"Woah, Tom! She looks like your ex-girlfriend! Except she's covered in vodka!" Harrison whisper shouted to his friend, his words slurring and he continued to drink his beer that was obviously not his first drink of the night.

"Come dance, Tom! We used to love this - this song!" I gripped his hand and pulled him up. I pulled him harder than necessary, sending my clumsy body falling into his own. He held my waist and looked into my eyes. I could tell that he was as drunk as I was as his body swayed and his eyes couldn't focus on anything.

"That's not a good idea." He said. "Maybe, maybe you should dance with Harrison-"

"We use to have sex, I think I know what I'm doing, Tom!" I spun around and led him to the dance floor as the song continued.

I held him close and danced on him, as I had done plenty of times before. I swung my hips with my arms in the air. Tom joined in, one hand in the air and the other sliding down my back before settling on my ass.

A smile came to my lips as we became closer until there was no space between our bodies.

"Im very drunk. We shouldn't do this. You're drunk, very drunk." He tried to back away but I only held him tighter.

"What an insult! I am the most soberest girl in the whole world!" I cheered, swinging my arms around frantically, managing to lose my balance in the process, sending both of us stumbling backward a few steps. We both erupted into fits of laughter, the alcohol making us both lose all sense of control.

We both steadied each other as the laughter stopped. Without thinking I held the back of his head and pulled his lips down to my own. Tom cupped my cheek, still maintaining a solid grip on my ass, as he kissed me back.

In that moment, I forgot all the pain he caused me. All I wanted was him, so I deepened the kiss. He kissed me back with so much passion, his dominant side taking over as he took control of the session. I ran my fingers through his hair, tugging lightly on the curls at the nape of his neck.

I started pulling away, suddenly become light headed from the lack of oxygen. As the kiss ended, Tom bit my bottom lip as we both separated.

"Wanna get out of here?" He asked, his face only inches from mine. His voice was low and his breath was uneven from our intense make out session.

"More than anything." I replied, grabbing his hand and pushing our way through the crowds of drunken people. I led the way being more determined than ever to get back to the hotel before anyone caught us.

We soon found ourselves back at the hotel and falling into my hotel room. Not only was mine closer to the elevator, he was sharing with Harrison and it didn't seem like something we'd want his best friend to see.

Tom pressed my back against the door as his lips travelled down my neck, nipping slightly every now and then.

Moans slipped from my mouth as tom made his way back up to my lips and once again passionately kissed me. My hands were in his hair, tugging on his tousled locks.

Suddenly, Tom wrapped his hands around my thighs and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist while still not letting go of his hair.

We walked to the bed and Tom let us fall with him landing on top of me. I pulled away from him long enough to start unbuttoning his shirt. It was soon discarded and thrown to floor.

I looked him up and down, taking in the sight of his incredibly toned body. He'd obviously been going to the gym a lot since I'd last seen him without a shirt on.

Tom crawled back over to me and I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him close to me. His drunkenness obviously had no impact on his strength as he reached around my back and tore my dress. I gasped and arched my back, allowing him to pull it off the rest of the way.

It left me in nothing but my strapless bra and panties. His eyes hungrily looked over my body.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's been hitting the gym." He chuckled hoarsely before coming back to kiss me.


Thanks so much for reading the chapter guys! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

As you can tell, Tom and Carter are both pretty frisky children ;)

Lots of love xx

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