We upped the stakes

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I slid my ring off my finger and placed it in the jewellery box that sat on the vanity of my trailer. I pulled on my costume gloves and clipped them in place as I left the trailer and headed to set.

I bumped into Ruby and Max along the way as they were in the next scene we were filming.

"Hey guys." I told them with a smile and a wave.

"Hey Rudolph." Max laughed.

"What are you talking about now?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow as we walked onto the sound stage.

"Rudolph? The red nosed reindeer? Your nose was red? Ah, forget it." He waves his hand dismissively and childishly stormed past us.

"He's a dork." I laughed with shake of my head. "You guys fuck yet?" I smirked, making Ruby choke on the water she was drinking.

"Wow, way to be blunt." She laughed, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "And no. We haven't."

"Come on, man. I got 80 bucks on this! Hey Matt." I waved at the director and walked towards my mark to have my harness fitted.

"80?! I thought it was 50?!" She yelled as she also made her way to her mark where Max was already waiting.

"We upped the stakes!" I shrugged my shoulder simply with a smirk and waited for instructions from the director.

"Everyone ready? Harness guy, you ready?" He double checked apprehensively. The other man had been fired after his screw up that almost cost me my face and the team were quick to find a replacement.

"All set." He replied as he walked back over to his area that had control over all equipment.

"Rolling. Action."

                         Becca walked down the street with Nick as they made their way home from another long day at school. The streets of Manhattan seemed quieter this afternoon, something neither of the 17 year olds picked up on.

"I'm telling you, Bex. Something is up with this Alice girl." Nick told her, his hands gesturing to emphasise his point.

"Just because she rejected you, doesn't mean there's something up with her." Becca rolled her eyes, hiking her bag further onto her shoulder.

"She's quiet all the time, never tells us anything about herself. You gotta admit, it's a bit weird." He looked at the girl with an eyebrow raised - waiting for her next excuse.

"She's the new girl in a new school. She's only been here a week, give her a chance. Not everyone has your extremely irritating ability to make every situation about themselves." Becca smirked and watched as the jock became more frustrated.

"I'm serous. I may have done some light snooping, but the girl has attended at least 12 high schools. She moves like every semester and starts again as if it were nothing. Like she's looking for something."

"You're being dramatic." The girl said in a song-song tone.

"Did you not see what she did at my party the other night? She had an insane grip on my arm!"

Before Becca could reply to her friend - who wasn't really her friend, he simply decided that they would walk home together - she was barged roughly and her bag was taken from her shoulder.

"My bag has my wallet, Nick, do something!" She squealed in shock.

Without thinking, he took off after the shady man. Nick chased him down the street and watched as the man turned down an alley.

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