I like to do Tom

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I tapped my foot on the floor repeatedly, my hands clenching lightly every now and again.

"Dada" Rory innocently called, it being the only word she knew. She stood in front of me, holding onto my hands to balance herself and taking a step o two.

"Not yet, baby." I told her before kissing the top of her head and allowing her to rock herself backwards and forwards.

Lizzie walked back to me with Luna on her hip. "False alarm, she's all good." She smiled and let her lean over so I could kiss her chubby cheeks.

"God, why am I so nervous?" I laughed awkwardly, looking over at Lizzie for a moment before looking back down to Aurora.

"It's the first time you've seen Tom since he left for filming five months ago. Are you worried about you sexual abilities?" She smirked, putting Luna down and supporting her as I was doing.

"No! Shut up!" I laughed, shaking my head. "But five months without S-E-X does something to a person. I mean, you hand can only do so much, you know."

"Dada" Luna yelled excitedly at a man that walked past us.

"That is definitely not your dad, baby." I laughed. She looked at me confused for a moment before going back to bouncing herself up and down on the ground - though she never actually came off the ground, she just kept bending her knees.

"You gotta invest in a vibrat-"

"Normally I'd love these types of conversations with you but we are standing in the middle of an airport with a swarm of paparazzi very close to us." I looked at her pointedly, raising my eyebrow.

"Right. Okay. Gottcha," she laughed before crouching down to be on the same level as Luna. "Sex is nothing to be ashamed of, you hear that gorgeous?" She smiled before planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Lizzie!" I laughed loudly. "I do t want their second word to be-"


"Baby, it's not Dada. Can you imagine if they start repeating-"


"Rory, baby it's not - Tom!" I saw Tom and Harrison walking out of the gate with their luggage in tow. I felt my nerves practically melt away at the sight of him.

"There's my girls!" Tom yelled, before dropping his bags and running over to us. He scooped up the girls in his arms and span in a circle, laughing the whole time. "Oh I've missed you both." He mumbled before peppering their faces with kisses .

"Look how big you've gotten, wow!" He cried with a smile as the girls babbled away to him as they contently sat in his arms.

I could t hold back the huge smile as I watched my girls giggle happily, pulling at Tom's post-travel messy hair.

"And there's my gorgeous fiancé!" He yelled, moving the girls so that they sat one either side of his body and he could lean forward to kiss me.

My hands came up to cup his cheeks gently before kissing him again. I heard the loud chatter of paparazzi as they snapped multiple pictures of our reunion but I didn't care.

"I missed you." I whispered, our foreheads resting against each other.

"I missed you too." He smiled, kissing me quickly before turning to Lizzie. "Hey love, how are you?"

"I'm great thanks, Tom. You?"

"Couldn't be better."

                                 Carter sat in front of the camera with the studio lights shining brightly on her. She kept up the overly wide smile as she answered the journalists questions.

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