Late Nights and Lies

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One day. Just one day. Heck not even a day, just a few hours. A few goddamn hours, that was all he asked of his boyfriend. And he couldn't even give him that.

"Taeho we never really talk anymore. Can you come home early tonight? I'll cook dinner,"

"Sure, that sounds good. See you later, Jungwoo,"

Cut to:

Bae: Something came up I won't be home til later

Bae: sorry babe

Jungwoo sat in front of his bowl of spaghetti and Bolognese he'd spent an hour perfecting, trying not to let the tears fall. The vanilla candle and vase of flowers in the centre of the table suddenly looked cheap and tacky, rather than romantic as he'd thought they'd looked before.

He checked the time on his phone. It read eleven thirty-six pm.

"Be there by seven, ok?"

"Of course. I love you,"

"Love you too. And don't be late!"

Don't be late. Did those words mean nothing to Taeho?

Reluctantly, Jungwoo shoved the two bowls of spaghetti and Bolognese into the fridge. He could have his for lunch tomorrow at school. And for dinner. Maybe even for was a big portion.

Taeho could throw his serving in the trash for all Jungwoo cared.

The lonely male put out the vanilla candle (as much as he wanted to throw it away in anger, it had cost him a whole £12.99 and he didn't have enough money to be throwing perfectly good vanilla candles away), and set the vase of roses onto the kitchen counter.

Sighing, he folded up the red tablecloth he'd bought in the Valentine's day sales.

Had Taeho even remembered that it was Valentine's day?

Probably not.


Jungwoo wiped furiously at his face with a makeup wipe. He'd spent a whole hour dolling himself up, and another half hour picking out his outfit for his no-show of a boyfriend. And here he was, erasing the layers of foundation and contouring he'd wasted thirty-two minutes looking up tutorials for.

He paused when he came to wiping off his highlighter. Not only did it look fucking bomb, it was also Fenty and that shit was expensive as fuck. But he knew that makeup wasn't good to sleep in and he wanted to keep his perfect skin, so he wiped the makeup of dejectedly.

Jungwoo proceeded to do his nightly skin care routine.

"You're not a girl, why do you care so much about your skin?"

"I like it when it's soft. Oh and I hate popping pimples,"

"That's so gay, though,"

"Taeho, you're gay,"

"Oh yeah,"

Jungwoo smiled softly at the memory. When had things turned to shit? When did Taeho start coming home late? When did Jungwoo start falling asleep without Taeho's arms wrapped around his waist? When did they start falling apart?

The smile disappeared as quickly as it had formed.

As he climbed into bed, Jungwoo's phone lit up with a text.

Doyoungie: u still awake?

Junguwu: yh

Doyoungie: how did ur Valentine's date night go?

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