Doyoung and Dressing Up

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Ever since they'd met, Doyoung had been obsessed with dressing Jungwoo up. He though of him as his own real-life Barbie doll. He was a beautiful canvas to drape in expensive fabrics and to coat in layer after layer of eyeshadow. And Doyoung loved to take advantage of that.

"Spin for me~"

Jungwoo sighed as he span 360 degrees. It was better to just put up with Doyoung than to challenge him - something Jungwoo had learnt many years ago.

"So pretty, Jungwoo," the elder grinned happily "Those leather pants make your ass look great."

Jungwoo wrinkled his nose at Doyoung's words.

"He's right, you know," Ten commented from his spot on Jungwoo's bed.

It had become a sort of tradition for the three of them. Whenever there was a party to attend, the three would meet up at one of their houses (usually Jungwoo's - he had the biggest mirror) and they'd get ready together.

"Hyung, I look ridiculous," Jungwoo frowned, looking down at himself. His legs were hugged tightly by a pair of leather pants that Jungwoo was sure he wouldn't be able to get off at the end of the night.

Doyoung had insisted that Jungwoo wore a crop top; a red off-the-shoulder piece that revealed Jungwoo's collar bones and his 'creamy vanilla skin' as Doyoung liked to put it. Jungwoo would be lying if he said he wasn't atleast a little bit in love with it.

A black lace choker threatened to constrict Jungwoo's oesophagus.

"Damn these things feel like ankle weights!" the boy grimaced as he lifted his right foot. A clompy black boot came with it. Sure the boots were velvety and nice, but Jungwoo wasn't sure he'd be able to walk properly with them on.

"Shut up and sit down, Ten's going to do your makeup," Doyoung pushed his bestfriend onto the bed, holding him down. Jungwoo kicked out with one of the black boots, narrowly missing Doyoung's jaw.

"Hurry Chittaphon, he's resisting!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Ten plopped down next to Jungwoo, a large bag of makeup on his lap. The rose-gold metal instruments inside the bag looked like torture methods to Jungwoo.


"Now hold still, just one more touch," Jungwoo froze as something poked his eyelid. Sure, he didn't like having his makeup done, but he'd once made the mistake of moving when Ten was doing his eyeliner and he'd never made the same mistake ever again. 

The incident had really taught him to appreciate his eyesight more.

"And...done!" Jungwoo opened his eyes to a mirror. He took himself in, the way his skin gleamed with highlighter and his cheek bones stood out prominently, the dark red colour coating his lips and the violet contacts his two friends had forced him to put in.

"Woah," he muttered "You two did a surprisingly good job."

"What do you mean? We're experts!" Doyoung flicked his non-existent golden locks off of his shoulder as the younger rolled his eyes.

Beep! Beep!

"Oh that must be Taeyong!" Ten said, jumping up "You guys ready?"

Doyoung nodded eagerly whilst Jungwoo simply shrugged.

"I guess."

"God you are such a killjoy."


The party was loud.

That was the first thing Jungwoo noticed as he walked through the front door.

There was a lot of people: the second thing Jungwoo noticed as he walked through the front door.

They were all drunk: the final thing Jungwoo noticed as he walked through the front door.

He wrinkled his nose in disgust as he pushed past a couple making out in the centre of the hallway.

"If you could, like, not dry hump in front of the door that people are trying to come in and out of, that would be great,"  Ten snapped at the two.

They didn't listen.

Jungwoo held onto Doyoung's arm like he'd been thrown into the ocean and it was the only thing keeping him afloat.

"Doyoungie why are there so many people?" the younger male whispered into his bestfriend's ear. 

"Relax, Woo. You always get so nervous at parties. Just for once, have fun, okay?" the elder grabbed a red solo cup out of the hand of a petite brunette girl.

"Here, drink," he pushed the cup up to Jungwoo's lips, the fiery liquid spilling down his throat.

"What was that?" Jungwoo spluttered as the cup was moved from his lips "It tasted like gasoline!"

"Drink up. It's good for you," Doyoung winked.

"Jungwoo! Doyoung hyung!" Mark beamed, suddenly appearing "I haven't seen you guys ages!"

The younger wrapped his arms around Doyoung's shoulders, but before he could do the same to Jungwoo, someone stepped between them.

"Mark, come play ping pong with me. I need someone to play doubles with against Jeno and Yuta," Donghyuck said.

"Hold on, Hyuck, I'll be there in a sec."

"No, Mark, it's urgent!" with that, the boy pulled Mark away, making sure to send a glare at Jungwoo as he left to play ping pong.

"Jeez what's up with him," Jungwoo muttered.

"Who? Donghyuck? You know Mark used to have that huge crush on you?"

Jungwoo nodded.

"Well Hyuck has a huge crush on Mark now. He's jealous of you," Doyoung explained.



"Guys, guys, guys, Johnny's coming, somebody make sure my mascara's not smudged!" Ten squeaked.

"Your mascara is fine, now go get your man!" Jungwoo giggled. Maybe that drink was getting to his head. What was it anyway? It didn't matter, it was good. He took another swig.

"Chittaphon! Nice you could make it!" Johnny beamed. Ten didn't even bother correcting him.

" have to go and...err...make sure no one's making out in any of the...err...bedrooms. Can me? You may be small and cute, but you can honestly be scary sometimes," the male rubbed his neck sheepishly.

"Sure. I'll help." with that, the two skipped off.

"What are you betting they're gonna do it?" Doyoung said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Eww that's nasty," Jungwoo scrunched his nose up "Come on, let's go get something to drink."

"Yes! My baby is finally relaxing~"

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