Witches and Wong's Confessions

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Jungwoo felt good once again. He was on good terms with his mother, Sicheng and Yuta had arrived at his doorstep the night before and he'd made up with him while at the same time showing him the beautiful glittering ring on his ring finger.

"Oh my God, Woo! Congrats!"

"Yeah, congrats dude!"

The only thing that wasn't good was the fact that he and Doyoung weren't talking...yet again.

They'd never had so many arguments in such a sort space of time and it was starting to take a toll on the both of them.


Yukhei was having a bad day. Jungwoo was on the other side of his cafeteria, sitting with Sicheng as they gushed over the diamond on his engagement ring.

Yukhei scowled.

How old is he? Only a little older than me and he's already engaged. It's not even that great of a ring anywhere.

That last statement was a lie and Yukhei knew it.

He tried to convince himself that he was just disgusted. 

Eww he's gay. And he's engaged.

Obviously, that wasn't the case. Yukhei's heart ached. Every time Jungwoo's face lit up in delight, his did too because he just loved that smile. But then he'd remember why exactly his soulmate was smiling and a new wave of pain would wash over him.

"Hey Yukhei. You better not be getting feels for my boyfriend," Yukhei turned to see Yuta watching him.


Jungwoo wasn't his boyfriend...was he?

"Sicheng. My boyfriend? You've been staring at him for, like, the last ten minutes or some shit. He's mine, okay, back off."

"Shut up, I wasn't staring at your boyfriend," he rolled his eyes.

"So Jungwoo then? He's engaged, you know?" Yuta said, raising his eyebrow, "And aren't you straight?"

Yes I know he's engaged and yes I'm straight. It's just...difficult.

"Whatever," Yukhei grumbled, continuing to eat the panini he'd bought earlier from the canteen. Suddenly, Yuta spoke up again.

"Dude your arms bleeding."

Yukhei looked down and, lo and behold, it was. He'd started wearing jumpers so his soulmark wasn't visible. A trickle of crimson snaked down his palm.

"Ah shit," Yukhei swore, grabbing a napkin to mop up the liquid. From the other side of the table, Jaehyun watched him intently. 

"Tell me," he mouthed. Yukhei shook his head.


Ten bounded down the hall, leaping onto Jungwoo.

"You dickhead! Why didn't you tell me you got engaged!?" he screamed into the taller's ear.

"O-oh...sorry. I must've forgot," he replied sheepishly.

"Forgot? FORGOT?! How could you forget when I'm going to be your chief bridesmaid?" Ten yelled.

"Who said you're gonna be chief bridesmaid," Jungwoo whispered under his breath.

"What was that?" Ten turned to face the younger, fire dancing in his pupils.



Saved by the bell.

"Oh well time for class gotta go!" Jungwoo ran off in a hurry.


It was six in the evening when Yukhei met a witch.

At first, she was just an old woman hobbling along the street. When she dropped her shopping back, Yukhei, being the good citizen he is, picked up the bag, handing it to her.

Suddenly, the old hag pulled up his sleeve, revealing his soulmark. Quickly, Yukhei jerked his hand away.

"I've seen that mark before," the woman croaked.


"That mark. What was his name....hmm. He was definitely a Kim, yes. Kim...Jungkook? No. Jungwong...nah. Oh, what was it!"

"Jungwoo," Yukhei whispered. The woman looked up at him from a small height and smiled.

"You have feelings for him," she said. Yukhei shook his head.

"No. I'm not gay."

The woman waved her hand in the air in dismissal.

"Everyone's a little gay. Ooh there was this one woman in the home a couple years ago...shame she transferred," her eyes misted over, deep in memory, "Oh sorry, I get distracted easily. But I have something to say, Wong Yukhei."

"H-how do you know my name!" the male spluttered.

"It is literally on your backpack, keep up. But what I wanted to say is...I've met this Jungwoo. I could see in his eyes that there was turmoil within him. Something is stopping him from loving you..."

"Taeho," growled Yukhei.

"What was that?"

"His stupid motherfucking fiancé!" Yukhei yelled, gaining a glare from passers by.

"You're jealous?" the old woman asked.

"Of course I'm jealous! He's my soulmate, he's mine!" 

"That's selfish," the woman hummed, "How can you say that you do not love him, and yet you say that he is only yours. You either love him or you don't."

Yukhei's shoulders slumped. 

Really, what was stopping him from loving Jungwoo? 

Jungwoo's pretty hair and his milky-white skin. His pink lips and his ski-slope nose. His slim waist, his long legs. Jungwoo was prettier than anyone else Yukhei had ever seen. And when he laughed...it was music to Yukhei's ears. And when Jungwoo cried...it made Yukhei's heartache. He just wanted to brush all those tears away and kiss him better.

"Oh my God. I'm in love with Jungwoo," he said to himself. He looked around. The woman had disappeared.

"I'm in love with Jungwoo," he repeated, this time a smile growing on his face.

Yukhei: hyung I need to know Jungwoo's address

Jaehyun: y?

Jaehyun: that's kind've creepy

Yukhei: he's my soulmate.

Jaehyun: WHAT????

Jaehyun: SSAKJF;H;soijg;oi????

Jaehyun: wong Yukhei u better now be bullshitting me

Yukhei: I'm not

Yukhei: he's my soulmate and I think I'm in love with him

Jaehyun: aLA\;DF;jwg'jkg

Jaehyun: [insert Jungwoo's address here] 

Jaehyun: go get ur mans


A/N The 'witch' was Rosemary :))

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