Criminals and Cookie Dough Ice Cream

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"I'll tell the school that you're sick, okay? Don't go anywhere, Woo, we'll talk when I get back," Doyoung said, grabbing his phone and keys from the dresser.

"Yeah, okay," replied Jungwoo, his voice blank and dead.

Just go already, he thought.

It's not that he didn't love Doyoung, and it wasn't that he wasn't grateful to Doyoung for letting him sleep over, even after Jungwoo had been s ocmplete asshole, but Jungwoo had plans. And if he were to proceed with those plans, he couldn't have Doyoung hanging on to him like a koala.

And strangely, Jungwoo didn't feel like having Doyoung around. Or Sicheng or Taeyong or Ten. He didn't want anyone around him. He just wanted to fade away and disappear.

Those plaguing thoughts begged at his consciousness.

He ignored them.

"See you later!"


The door opened, shut, and Doyoung was gone.

Jungwoo waited ten minutes to make sure Doyoung was truly gone ('OMG I forgot my science folder' or something along those lines). Result: he was.

Jungwoo changed into suitable clothes and left the house. Thanks God Doyoung had given him a spare key.

He paced the streets, his feet seeming to know the way despite the emptiness of his brain.

There, the train station, the hour journey, pacing the streets again.

And then he was there. The place he used to live.

The place he couldn't call home anymore.


Mr Kim had taken his key and snapped it when he'd kicked Jungwoo out. He'd removed the spare key from underneath the weird rock just next the porch, as well.

How was Jungwoo going to get in?

He scaled the fence into he back garden, crouching, looking left and right to make sure no nosey neighbours were watching, waiting quietly to call the cops on him.

Because for the first time, Jungwoo was going to be a criminal.

It seemed he was clear.

There was one thing about the backdoor of the house. It could be locked from the inside, but if you twisted the handle just right, it was easy enough to unlock. Jungwoo had discovered that a couple of years ago after sneaking out to go on a date with Taeho.

Times were simpler then. Nicer then. Happier then.

And then Yukhei had shown up and fucked it all up.

Twice to the left, once to the right, take it half way, right, left, and the door swung open.

He was in.

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