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        You awaken in the morning after a good night's sleep. Birds chirp outside your window as you sit up in your bed. You, being the absolute idiot you are, forgot that today was your first day at your new job!!!!!!!!!!! You rush out of your bed and into the bathroom and get ready really fast like Sonic da hedgy! Anyway, after getting ready you grab an apple and go outside to your 1899 La Jamais Contente. After 5 hours, you're finally at work. What a fast car! 

       In Dunder Mifflin - 

      "So Jim have you seen the new employee?  They are hottttttt," You hear from the hallway. "No, I have not. And you probably shouldn't talk about your new employees that way..." After taking a deep breath, you enter the office. (A/N: I don't even know how to write anymore lol) "Hey, Michael," The receptionist whispers, clearing her throat. "OH! Y/N there you are! Finally, am I right guys?" You give an awkward laugh as you notice a salesman give a look to the camera, which, how convenient is it that your first day will be broadcast for all to see? "Okay Y/N since it's your first day I will take you on a tour of the office to meet the whole family!" Michael says, grabbing ur hand and dragging u over to a random corner of the office. "This is accounting! Angela, Oscar, and Kevin, kind of a... Momma Bear, Papa Bear, Baby Bear thing going on over here..." "Um... Hi, I'm Y/N," You introduce yourself, earning three awkward "hi's." "Okay, lame-o's, see ya," Michael says, grabbing your hand once again and dragging you over to sales. "This is Dwight." Dwigt looks up at u, getting ur full attention. Ur heart beats fast and ur stomach twists into knots lol1!213 "Hi... I'm Y/L/N, I mean Y/M/N, I MEAN Y/N," You stutter. "Dwight Schrute, this is my subordinate, Jim Halpert." "I am not your subordinate, I'm your co-worker. Hi, I'm Jim," Jimothy sayz, reaching over dwoights to shake ur hand, which you of course shake. "I am Assistant Regional Manager, which makes you my subordinate." "Assistant to the Regional Manager, which makes me your co-worker." "Shaaaaaaaaaaaaa- shut up," Michael interrupts, "Anyway, Y/N, this is where you'll be working, I'll let you get situated and we'll continue the tour in a little." He pulls out the chair to the desk in front of Dwight's. "WoWOw okay thank u Mr. Scott!" you say.

//WC: 411 Words

WOWWOW u have to sit across from dwight!@!31 I wonder how that will go! Anyways dudes sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out im low on ideas lol and writing a fake fanfiction is harder than u think haha. see ya uwu

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