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       "Hey, Dwight, just the man I needed to see," Michael says. "Oh, really? Couldn't you have just come and seen me... at my desk?" "Well I saw an opportunity to hang out with somebody and I got distracted. Anyway shishter, I was wondering if you finish showing the new kid around, because I have somewhere I need to be," He asked Dwight. "Oh yes, of course, I can." "Excellent! Goodbye!" "Bye," Everyone says flatly. "Okay, Y/N. You ready?" Dwigt asks u. "U-uh, yeah..." 

       Dwight took you around the office, showing you anything and everything and telling you what you should be doing at all hours of the day. uwu

      "So, um, what do you do when you're not... here?" You ask. "I'm a beet farmer." Fascinating. (help)  "Oh wow! Do you like... f-farming the beets?" 'oh man, y/n,'  you think. "Yes uv course. I'll have t-" "Hey guys, mind if I interrupt?" "Oh, of course, Y/N, this is Andy Bernard," Dwight introduces him. "Hello, Y/N," Andy says with a big smile on hiz face, "you can call me Nard Dog if you please." You laugh, "Okay, sure. Dwight was telling me about his beet-farming life." (skjsjksfj) "Oh, yeah, I've been there! It's nice but not when you step in cow crap every five seconds." You laugh more. Suddenly, Dwight realizes something. How pretty you are when you laugh. (oh god...) He wants to be the cause of ur laugh and feels jealousy rising. "HA HA HA. Andy, could I speak to you for a second?" "Sure?" "Oh, uh, I should probably get back to work, huh? I'll catch up with you guys later," You say, heading off to ur desk. 

       "IDiot," Dwight says. "Woah, woah, what did I do?" Andy asks, surprised. "You like Y/N." "So what if I do?" Dwight sighs, "You can't like Y/N because I like Y/N!" "Well- well maybe you can't like Y/N because I like Y/N! Good day, sir!" Andy said, swiftly walking out of the break room. "It's okay, couples fight," Creed said from the back of the room. "Eat your vegetables," Dwight muttered, walking out. 

//WC: 353 Words 

Yeet. This is really bad, but it's okay 'cause the next chapter will be better. I hope.

'Til next time manz.

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