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-long time no see. I know I said this was over but... maybe it's not (you thought it was over. HA)

-also, a quick note, this chapter is lowkey kinda serious but dwdw it's just the bonus


It'd been two months since you and Dwight kissed. Every day, you were lucky enough to sit across from your now-fiance, next to your best friend, and unlucky enough to sit just feet away from the man that thought he'd get you first.

"Hey, y/n, I was wondering if you could help me with something?" Jim asked, standing next to your chair.

"No problem," You replied, "What do you need help with, Jimbo?"

"It's... It's Pam. I'm thinking of proposing to her... and I'm just not sure how to do it. How did Dwight propose to you?"

You smiled a warm smile at the thought of Dwight proposing to you in the fields of his beet-y farm.

"Well... it was a regular date..."


"Y/n, I love you more than I love beets," Dwight said, getting down on one knee.

The two of you were in the centre of the fields, a picnic blanket underneath you and some beet-juice in a wine glass in your hand.

"Will you become Mrs Beet, and marry me?" He whispered, holding up a ring.



"And here we are. So, get any inspiration from that?" You asked Jim, who had a sweet smile plastered on his face.

"You bet I do."

//WC: 233 Words

heyyyy I missed this!! also why was this like the most well-written thing I've ever written god I hate myself. but yeah! let me know if you want more... bc my x reader one shots book is kinda flopping, due to the fact that I have 4 unfinished drafts just taunting me... but writing fake x readers is hard ok 😖 lol



BEARS & BEETS | A DWIGHT X READER LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now