the beet rivalry

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        I think I'm going to start writing this in the past tense. To me, it's easier to write! If you prefer present-tense then please let me know in the comments because really this book is supposed to be as funny and enjoyable as possible, even if this chapter seems a bit more serious, I couldn't help it, I got absorbed in the writing lol. Thank!


        'This is it,' you thought, 'day 6.'  You got dressed in your favourite outfit, as you were feeling good that day, for some reason. Of course, as always, you got in your car and drove for like 9,000 hours until you got to work. You greeted Pam as you walk in, and sat down at your desk with your f/d (favourite drink xd121!1!) already there waiting for you. You looked up to see Andy smiling at you proudly and Dwight swearing under his breath, causing you to laugh. You sipped on your f/d as you started your work for the day.

 Time: 11:43 | Andy's POV

       I noticed that Dwight hasn't made his move yet. Maybe it's not a competition to him, but in my eyes it is. Y/N deserves better than him. YN dESerVEs BETtER!

Time: 11:50 | Dwight @ the Cameras

        Andy is expecting me to make a move on Y/N. Unlike an idiot, which he is, I am not. Until, 12:13 today. By that time, Y/N L/N will have fallen for me, and Andy will be nothing but a weakling. 


        "Hey, Y/N, I got you some chips," Jim said, sitting down next to you in the break room. You and he were starting to become better friends. "Thanks, d'you want me to pay for them?" You offer. "Nah, it's okay." You smiled in appreciation. You'd never had a friend buy you something, probably because you only had one friend growing up and they were not a very nice person. (Oops, this sounds like something that'll be explored in another chapter, but I'm unsure that'll happen.) "Hey, broskis, what's up?" You looked up from your sandwich to see Andy standing over you, getting ready to pull out a chair. Jim sighed. "Hey, Andy. Nothing's really up, we're just... eating lunch," You said, Andy nodding in amusement. You looked at the clock. 12:01. 

        The three of you sat in silence until your lunch break was over at 12:05. You and Jim went back to your desks together dropped Andy off along the way. 


        You looked down at your hands, which were resting on your keyboard. It was only your sixth day at Dunder Mifflin and you were already terribly bored. However, you noticed something different about the branch. It wasn't just a workplace, it was somewhere with energy, and (omg am i forgetting this is a joke wtf) you were sure you weren't going to leave anytime soon. Quickly, you were broken out of your thoughts by the sound of Dwight clearing his throat and looking you in the eye. It was 12:13. 

//WC: 502 Words

Wow? Kylo? Making a chapter that doesn't have multiple on-purpose spelling errors and random dialogue? Who is she??? Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter! I recently found my spark for writing again and, as a hopeless romantic, I get way too absorbed in writing things about love, and I got carried away. I swear I'll try to make next chapter funnier and less seemingly serious! But for now, bye!

BEARS & BEETS | A DWIGHT X READER LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now