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       You're sitting at your desk, trying your absolute hardest not to look up at Dwigt. "Hey, you wanna watch me pull a prank?" A voice pulls you out uv ur thoughts. "Oh- uh... sure," you say, curious what Jim'll do. 

        Jim gets up from his seat. "Hey, Dwight, you want anything from the kitchen?" "No. I am capable of getting my own food. Also, some water would be great." "Okay," Jim says, winking at you. This means two things. 1: Jim is now preparing his prank in the kitchen, and 2: You are now alone with Dwight. So, like any sane person, you decide to strike up a conversation, in the middle of the day, while he's probably trying to work. Great plan. "So... are you and Jim friends?" You ask. "Never have been and never will be," He blandly replies. You sink in your seat a little. What the heck is happening? You're sat at your desk, in your new workplace, with your new cRUsh across from you. 

        Jim returns, snapping you out of your thoughts, and hands Dwight a mug full of water. "There you go, Dwight." "Took you long enough." Dwight looked in the cup and immediately, his expression shifted to confusion. "Why is it red? Jim, do you even know what water is?" "Sorry, the pipes must go to the Red Sea," Jim replied, shrugging. You let out a laugh. "This was your master plan?" You asked. "I was out of ideas," (it's true I really was) "and food colouring was all we had." You shake your head, smiling. "Well, I guess I'll just drink this. You know, your pranks are really going downhill." "Seems like it," You say, earning a small chuckle from Dwigt. "That shid hurded," Jim said, frowning. 

        in the break room uwu

        "So, Y/N, why did you leave your last job?" Phyllis asks. "Well, every day I'd sit down at my desk, look at my paperwork, and suddenly I was Jared, 19." Your face heats up as you realise Phyllis won't understand your reference, and you regret saying that. "You're lucky Ryan educates us, Y/N. We're Vine masters," Pam says, walking in. "Oh, yeah? Bet you don't know the Shakaoofka vine," Jim replies, also walking in. "What is happening?" You laff. (had to add some spelling errors to make this look stupid hee haw) "Whazzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," Michael says, (get this) also walking into the room. "Nothing, we were just talking about Y/N's last job." "Oh yeah? r/j (random job lol) ? Bet it was a total crapfest. Booooorrringgg." "Michael," Pam interrupts. "No, really, it was! The boss was rude, kind of a creep, and nobody ever smiled. It's a lot nicer here." "Glad to hear it, Y/N," Michael says, winking, as Jim rolls his eyes. Suddenly Dwight walks in, immediately catching your eye. "Hey Dwight," Jim greets. 

//WC: 475 Words

 Wow, this was long lol I usually only write like 200 words!! Anyway, I hope you like it so far, at the end there I was getting a little too into it. I enjoy writing a lot, so I kinda forgot this was supposed to be funny but I hope it's okay anyway! Peace hoES

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