the beet-date

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       You s(h)at outside the office on a bench just the right size 4 ur ass. Dwight drove around in his beet mobile and yelled, "Get in, love xd" You obeyed and got in, stretching your seatbelt over your chest and clicking it into place. he drove 3,000,000,000 (three billion) miles 2 his farm! y'all get out and take in the farmy air. "Wow, ur farm sure is... beet-y," You said, admiring the fields. "Thanks, I know. Okay, so, I'll get lunch and you can just sit down in here," Dwight said, leading u into his crusty ass dining room. "Ooh, fancy," You complimented as he brought out pig anus. (someone help me I-) "Yes, it has been cooked for no less than 3 hours. Anyway, enjoy."

       Y'all ate the pig anus and-- surprisingly- enjoyed it. "So, I was thinking... Are you really okay with having an office relationship?" You pondered, sitting down next to Dwight on his dirty barn floor. "Yes... but-" "But?"

"I don't know, I'm kinda scared that someone's gonna take you away from me, Y/N," He said, Andy in the back of his mind. (i am throwing uP)

"Listen here, Beet Bitch. No one is gonna take me away from u, not even a bear," You replied, laughing.

      Just then a bear burst through the open doors of the barn, growling. (what on earth am I even writing) It started towards you and Dwight but he pushed you away and you both began running. Luckily, you made it into the house safely. "YO! That was wild, dude! Does this shit happen to you every day???" Dwight looked at you out of breath. "Not recently. I'm just glad that Mose isn't out there," He said, laughing. 

Then he looked at u like u were a beet.

and u knew he was about 2 kiss u xdxd

//WC: 315 Words

     Hey!!!!!!!!! Sorry that this took so long to put out, I've been pretty busy! But, yes, it is back, and with another cliff-hanger, might I add. Also, I'm so mad because I know there's something I wanted to write here but I can't remember what the hell it is. Whatever, I'll probably have it in the next chapter lol. PEACE


I was looking at the other stories in the #nickelodeon tag (bc, u know, they're the competition) and I read ONE, I repeat, ONE x reader about some kid from one of the newer shows I guess, bc I thought it'd be funny (which it wasn't sorry xdxd no hate), and I keep getting suggestions for other x readers abt him and it's heccing annoying, anyway sorry 4 my rant. 

-Kylo bitch

BEARS & BEETS | A DWIGHT X READER LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now