Aqua-star was an orphan before Arcee took her under her wing. Arcee became a big sister to Aqua-star. Now follow Aqua-star's journey in Transformers Prime Seasons 1 - 3. Picture on cover of Aqua-star. Warning there maybe some very slow updates.
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Aqua-Star's POV
"Man I hate being stuck here" I whine as I lean against the wall. I'm stuck at base with Ratchet. While everyone else got to go on patrol. Just because I'm the youngest, doesn't mean I can't look after myself. Arcee and Cliffjumper have taught me how to fight.
"Oh stop complaining, you'll go on a mission soon enough" Ratchet tells me.
"Not if Arcee has any say in the matter" I tell him. Just then Arcee contacts everyone.
"The Cons are back! Cliff might be neck-deep in scrap!" she states.
"Understood.Ratchet, Aqua-star do you have Cliffjumper's coordinates?" Optimus asks us.
"We have his signal, Optimus" I tell him.
"But our team's scattered across time-zones" Ratchet adds.
"Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee.Rendezvous back at base, Ratchet prepare to ground bridge" Optimus orders. Ratchet start to prepare the ground bridge putting in Cliffjumper's coordinates. The others return and Ratchet has me activate the ground bridge. "Aqua-star remain here and bridge us back when I tell you to" Optimus tells me.
"Yes Optimus, good luck Arcee" I say sighing dejectedly. They all go through the portal and I close it. I go back to leaning against the wall. They never allow me to go on a mission, especially if Decepticons might be involved. I've only left the base several times since it was established. But always with someone else in tow.
A few minutes later I bridge them back, but Cliffjumper wasn't with them. We all go outside to a cliff. "We must not allow our anger over the lost of Cliffjumper to impair our judgement.As of today only we six Autobots remain on this Earth.We owe it to ourselves to the memory of Cybertron, to any Autobots in any Galaxies seeking safe harbor, to humankind.And we owe it to the memory of our fallen comrade to survive" Optimus states.
"Arcee..." I say wanting to comfort her, Cliffjumper was her fighting partner. But she shakes her head and I go quiet.
"If Cliff's gone standing around here sulking won't bring him back.So unless anyone minds I think I'll get back to protecting humankind" she states. Before transforming into her alto-mode. I do the same and follow her. "Go back to the others Star" she tells me.
"No you need to relax, so we're going for a ride to clear your mind. I'm going with you no matter what" I tell her. Sighing she activates her holo-rider and I do the same as we enter a town. As we drive I notice two cars that appeared to be following us. "Arcee, six o'clock" I tell her through the comm. She moves one of her mirrors to look behind us.
"Twins" she mutters as we pull up to a human fast food place.
"Take five, Sadie/Rose" Arcee and I tell our holo-riders as they disappear. Just then a human mech teen exited the place talking to his carrier (mother) on his communication device. He hang up and spotted Arcee and I. He starts to praise us as he sits on Arcee holding her handle bars. Suddenly two human femmes appear and he starts to talk to them saying how Arcee is his bike.
"Come on, smooth operator, Wrap it up" I mumble through the comm as the twins reappear. Just then the twins speed toward us.
"Scrap.- Do not let go!" Arcee tells the human. We both spin around on our back wheel me activating Rose. Before we speed away and the twins were on our tail pipe. We pull into an alley way and stop. The human mech Jack got off of her.
"We don't exist" I tell him.
"Tell anyone about me and I will hunt you down" Arcee tells him. We speed off as Jack runs the opposite way. We see the twins appear and one of them follows Jack making us curse. We turn back a around and jump over the twin that was following us. We get past the other twin and reach Jack. Arcee sends a call for help to the closet autobots.
"Hop on, Jack" I tell him and he does so. I speed off with Arcee cover us. As the twins start to shoot at us.
"Why are those guys shooting at us?" Jack asks.
"There's no us kid, And they're no guys" Arcee tells him. Just then Bumblebee appears and knocks the twins into the wall of the highway. Jack asked if he was a friend of ours and we replied "family". We soon jump off of the highway and Jack gets off of me. Arcee and I transform as the twins appear. They to transform and we begin to fight, Bumblebee joins us. He protects Jack and an other human youth while Arcee is knocked on her arse. Bumblebee and I continue to fight the twins while the young human mechs escape.
Just then Bulkhead finally arrived on the scene and transforms. "Who's ready to rumble?" he asks.
"What took you?" Arcee asks as she stands up.
"Traffic" he mumbles as the twins fled the scene. We return to base and tell Optimus about the two humans who saw us. So Arcee and Bumblebee were sent to collect them. While I'm under house arrest even though I handled myself just fine against the twins. Arcee was the one knocked on her arse.
"Come on Optimus, you know I'd be of better use in the field. Especially if Megatron is returning" I tell him.
"I understand that Aqua-star, but Arcee wants you away from the fight as long as we can keep you away from it. So that you can train some more" he states.
"Train in what? I know how to fight, run, hack, spy and have even been learning how to be a medic from Ratchet. At least let me go on patrol and give me a chance to prove myself" I plead.
"Very well, but we'll discuss it later" he states as we enter the control room. To see not two, but three humans. Optimus addresses them personally. "We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron. Also known as Autobots" he tells them. Jack asks we're here. "To protect your planet, from the Decepticons" Optimus replies.
"The morons who tried to scrap us last night" I state leaning against a wall. "The name's Aqua-star, but you can call me Star" I tell them. Jack then asks why the decepticons are here on Earth.
"A fair question, Jack. In part they are here because our planet is uninhabitable.Ravaged by centuries of civil war" Optimus states. The smaller human then asked why there was a war. Optimus starts to give them a history lesson and I become bored. I was only just become an adult when Cybertron was destroyed. I was to be an Archivist and would of died had Arcee not found me. I've been her sister ever since.
I tune back into the conversation as Optimus said the three human youths are now under our protection. Ratchet complained saying if stepped on them they'd die. Optimus just told him we had to watch where we stepped for the time being.
Picture above of Jack admiring Arcee's vehicle mode and picture on the external link of Cliffjumper. Pictures in chapter of Aqua-star's forms (I don't own any of the pictures).