-Trip down memory lane pt 1 -

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(A/n........I= memory )


(Lances pov.)
"What do you mean there's no cure?!?!" Papa yelled at the doctor when we were told mama had stage 3 cancer. I was only 4 at the time but was smart for my age. It was only a year after I was adopted by the McLain's that mama had been diagnosed with this. After that, big brother siwo(shiro) and papa were never the same. Both would beat me and yell at me when something went wrong. I never understood why they blamed me. " LANCE!!!" oh no. Papa was mad. I forgot to make breakfast and slept in."Get your a** down here now!!!" Running down the stairs as fast as I could without tripping, I was met with a smack and a burning pain on my right cheek. Sometimes mama would try to defend me and help clean up the wounds after being beat, but that only ended in her being hurt too. This entry on for 3 years until one Saturday afternoon. This was the day mama was shot and killed. It was around the time she would yell at him for hurting me and being such a drunk. I was hiding in my room until a gunshot went off. Immediately I called 911 before running downstairs to see what happened. Mama was laying on the floor while bleeding out on her side.  The cops had arrived a few minutes later and papa was arrested. Big brother was taken and put up for adoption after he had some of his memory's erased. This was to make sure we - er I, was safe. A few months later, I was sent into the military for 5 years . I was then adopted again  at age 12. Mr .I  ...is what I called him for awhile before he told me to call him dad.

(A/n.....Can anyone guess who mr. I is?)

lso I'm sorry this chapter is short.....I'm kinda working each scene out before I publish. Also I'll make sure to create longer chapters in the future.

Peace my angsty children.✌❄❄❄

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