Failing at Being OK

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(A/n..... So, I don't completely have a update schedule but I'll try to update at least a few times a week.)

"Paladins, please report to the training room." Alurra 's voice over the intercom set me free from reliving my past...well some of it anyways. Every muscle in my body ached from yesterday's battle. A whole fleet of galra came of of nowhere in the middle of training. The battle lasted for about 2 hours, and finally ended when they shot an ion canon that took out three of the Lions before keith basically saved our @$$'s. After doing my daily routine of a face mask, flat ironing my hair, and putting on concealer over my "battle scars", I ended up being 10 minutes late. And of course, I was scolded for my tardiness." Lance. How nice of you to join us." Shiro said my name with venom dripping off his tongue....which was exactly how my papá would say it if I was about to be hit , and then stabbed with a broken beer bottle..." Today paladins, each of you will be facing your greatest fear through your mind. So, who wants to go first?" After everyone went they told us what their greatest Fear was. Shiro's was being a bad leader (he's already got the bad older brother part down...but of course he doesn't know that.) Keith's was being alone, hunks was being a bad chef, and pidgeon's was some sh!t about math. It was my turn now...yay.

(A/n......BI (lol) = in lance's/anyone else's mind ❄❄❄❄)

It was dark....pitch black. I-i couldn't see anything nor hear anything. The room starts to light up. Everyone's surrounding me...hunk, pidge, shiro, keith, papá, and mamá. Even Iverson was there.
Fag (a/n I REALLY hate that word but I gotta use it for the sake of langst ❄❄❄)

Waste of space
Seventh wheel

Stop, Please. I know. People turn to shadows and the darkness consumes me once more. SLAP! I turn to see mr. Dad in front of a younger version of myself. " No one will ever care about you! Your a pathetic excuse of a son! Why did I even save you from that orphanage camp!?" Out of nowhere he's holding a beer bottle. Oh no. He smashes it on "my" head causing " "me" to fall on "my" knees. Then the bottle gets stabbed through "my" stomach and "I" am then shot. This is my fear of Iverson ever becoming like my papá...

The scene changes once more. Keith stabs and older version of me. He smiles at what he's done. So do the others. " I'm glad he's dead."
"Yeah, he was useless anyway."
" now we don't have to deal with that slut anymore."

Your only holding them down. Why don't you just end it. It would be better for everyone this way.

(A/n.....again, I don't like using this language but it's for the sake if the plot....forgive me.❄❄❄)

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