Please....some one, help me.

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(A/n..... ok so around these next few chapters I'm gonna have a VERY angsty suprise for you angsty snowflakes. ❄ ❄ ❄ )

The final fear. It was quiet, too quiet. I'm in a feild. Bodies are on the ground. " nhg, lance. Why. Why would you do this? " Its pidge, laying right in front of me with a large wound on her abdomen. " I thought, * cough * * cough * you were our friend, but now, now I see. Your a monster. You killed us all. " No. no. I would never hurt them. Hunk, pidge, shiro, coran, allura, keith, they're my family. Right?

No, They're not. Your just a seventh wheel that they put up with until the REAL blue paladin is found. There is one way you could be useful though. And I think we both know what that is.

But, I promised mamá that I would stop before she was killed. She's not here anymore now is she? 

No.your right, I am useless. Good. Now that we're on the same page, I suggest you start as soon as possible. it's what's best for everyone.
Until next time lance.

*Mind thing over.*

(3rd person pov.)
Lance jolted awake. Sweat dripping down his forehead. " So, what was your greatest fear, being rejected by some pretty girl?" Sarcasm was pouring off of Pidges words. Instead of answering, Lance bolted towards his room and immediately locked the door behind him.
Lancey Lance, Remember the good ol' times?  Too bad your mamá had to end it so quickly. But nobody's stopping you now. So let's have a little Fun why don't we. And I think I saw just the tool in the bathroom.

Lance slowly made his way to the bathroom forgetting what had happened earlier. The razor sat untouched on the sink waiting to be used. 7 deep cuts made on each arm. Blood poured out, dripping on the tiled floor. Returning back to reality, and realizing what he just did lance bandaged his arms and cleaned up the mess on the floor. A white flicker  shortly interrupted his vision but was shook off as just the loss of blood.
Suddenly banging on the door could be heard. "Lance! Open this door NOW!"
(Lance pov.)
Oh no. It was keith, my crush,and he was P!SSED. My feet were glued to the floor, I couldn't move. Shiro's voice cut in next," Lance, OPEN THIS GOD D@NM DOOR NOW!" my room started Changing into my old bedroom. And now it was my papá was banging on the door. My breath quicked, my chest was on fire and it was getting harder to breathe. Sh!t. I'm having a panic attack. " YOU LITTLE B@STERD! IF YOU DON'T OPEN THIS F●●●ING DOOR RIGHT NOW...." I couldn't process what he was saying anymore. Black dots invaded my vision and soon darkness consumed me.

(Time skip to was in the middle of may...)

(3rd perdon pov.)
It's been over a month. It's been that long since lamce ever came out his room. Well, only time he came out his room when people were awak. Even then, he only ate once or twice a week. No one seemed to care though. The blue paladin had been forgotten like he never even existed.

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