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Arianell opened her eyes, staring up at the ceiling in her room boredly. Another day. She sighed and rolled over, grabbing at her cell-phone on the nightstand. She clicked the screen on and frowned. Great. Time to draw. She pressed play on her music. 

"Back to the street where we began, we're feeling as good as lovers can, you know."

She sat up and stretched, moving to sit at the small table in her room. Her mother was kind enough to let her live in this mansion with her and her new husband. They'd even given her her own little apartment-though it was in the "help's" house. She picked her pen up and stared at the drawing she'd been working on. She could draw very well, but for some reason she never had the confidence to apply for a job using her artwork. She tapped her pen on the desk to the beat of the music. She sighed and leaned forward, letting her pen finish up all the details she had sketched already. She smiled to herself and leaned away, gazing at the character she'd designed by herself. She picked the paper up and gazed at it. 

"I think I'll call you...Terry,"She spoke to it. She placed it back down and wrote his name underneath him. She sighed and stood back up, moving to go and grab her items for a shower. This was her life. Drawing. Showering. Eating. Creating music. And then sleeping. That was all she ever did. She didn't have most other abilities adults her age had, and she always had trouble deciding what to do with herself. She never lost inspiration, so that was a plus, and she had decided to try and make a comic to sell. Maybe her art would get her money somehow. She touched the wall of the shower as the water beat down on her back. She reached up and grabbed her shampoo from the top rack. 

When she was done showering, she got dressed and dried her hair. She smoothed her silky black hair back with her hands and pulled on her shoes and a jacket. May as well go see mom, she thought. She quickly sent her mom a text and received the okay. She looked out the screen door of her small house on their land, her eyes surveying the vast forest she had to climb. She stuffed her phone in her pocket and grabbed her keys, shutting and locking the house. She walked and trudged through the forest, jumping over logs and pushing through low tree branches. Her eyes spotted the dam she was familiar with and she crossed the top of it, hopping on the rocks slowly. She hummed to herself as she crossed, intent on making her way to the big mansion she knew was a little ways away. She froze slightly, seeing something shining on the path. She tilted her head to the side and crouched down. 

What's this? She wondered. She picked it up. It was a necklace with a small bottle of liquid on it. Dangling from the bottom was a black jewel she didn't recognize. She blinked. Oh, it opens. She moved and twisted the cap off. She brought the liquid to her nose. Perfume, maybe? She sniffed and frowned. There was no odor. 

"Drink it."

Her eyes widened. Without thinking she reacted, moving and downing the liquid in the bottle. Suddenly, when she regained her witts, she jerked the bottle away from herself-but the liquid was already gone. She blinked. What the hell's gotten into me? I hope that wasn't poison. She moved and capped the bottle again, shoving the necklace into her jacket pocket. She stood and walked off, preparing to go to her mother.  When she made it to the familiar steep slope she had to cross she sighed. Her eyes searched for a branch to hold onto, and she found a small mesquite tree beside her. 

"Here goes."

She grabbed it and slowly began to lower herself to climb down the slope. Suddenly the ground shook. She blinked and held onto the mesquite tree for dear life, panicking about this sudden earthquake. An earthquake? She wondered. She swallowed when it finally stopped. Her eyes searched around her for any falling rocks or trees. When she didn't find one, she nodded to herself. Just when she was about to continue, the mesquite tree snapped. Her eyes went wide with terror as she began to fall back. She couldn't even manage a scream as she fell. Her mind played over and over the words her mother had always told her. 

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