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He picked her up and carried her over to her bed. He meant to tuck her in and walk away, but she grabbed his wrist. He turned and looked down at her. 

"Stay...please..."She murmured. He frowned. 


"The time changed....you should sleep too..."Arianell murmured. His cheeks turned red. She looked up at him through half lidded eyes. He sighed and reluctantly nodded. She scooted over and he climbed into the bed with her. He pulled the covers around them and stayed quiet. He felt a little conflicted at this moment. Arianell never removed her hand from his wrist-not until he pulled it off when she'd fallen asleep. He rested his arm over her waist, closing his eyes. 


Blood frowned to himself. He knew he should probably go and apologize, but he couldn't do that with Julius around Arianell all the time. He knew it was likely that she would rarely leave the comfort of the tower, and he knew that Julius would likely refuse to let her go off alone. Blood reached up, biting the nail on his thumb. Damn. He thought. Julius wasn't an idiot, he was a very smart man. He knew how to hold onto something that was his. Blood, however, had screwed up majorly. He had a feeling her game in this world would end pretty soon anyways. 

She'd been here so long and had interacted so much that it just seemed like the inevitable. Arianell would leave, and then all the other role-holders would blame him for being the fuck-up. They would turn and point their fingers at him. There was nothing he could do about it yet. All he could do was just wait. Stay confident, Blood. She'll come to you. He told himself.


In the morning, when Arianell woke up, she was surprised to find Julius still beside her. Her eyes lifted and met with his. She blinked. He's awake...she thought. He was playing with her hair gently. Arianell felt her heart pounding, but she still felt calm somehow. She couldn't explain the weird sensation she was getting. She could tell she was comfortable with this. 

"Did you sleep well?"Julius asked her. She gazed up at his face above her. 

"Yes...I'm sorry to have caused you any trouble,"She told him. He hummed. He rose the hand that held her hair and brought it up to his face. He closed his eyes. 

"You could never cause me any trouble,"he murmured. She blushed a little. Her eyes searched his face. He opened his own eyes. "Where will you visit today?" Arianell hummed. 

"I think I'll go and visit Vivaldi." He made a face at that. Arianell sighed. She touched his face lightly with her hand. "Do you ever smile?" He gazed at her silently. She used her thumb and gently grazed his cheek. "You know, that would be really nice to see. I bet you have a smile that would probably stop my heart if I saw it." His eyes went wide. 

"Then I won't smile,"he exclaimed. She laughed gently, closing her eyes. 

"That's not what I meant, Julius, it's an expression. My heart would never really stop,"Arianell told him. He gazed at her. She opened her eyes. "Whatever...I know now that it's just not a you thing to smile all the time. So whenever I do finally see your smile, I'll treasure it." He dropped her hair and reached out, stroking her face with his thumb gently. She blushed a little. 

"Before you go...I have a request,"he murmured.

"Going to make me promise to return?"She asked. He sighed and gave her a serious look. She looked up at him with her golden eyes, sending warmth all throughout him. "I'm kidding. Come on. What is it?"

"May....Would you be angry if I did something....forward?"He asked her. She blinked. Forward? She wondered. 

"Like what?"She asked. He gazed at her. 

Clockwork(Julius Monrey x OC)Where stories live. Discover now