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**MATURE CONTENT**(A/N: forgive me if it's not as descriptive as you want or TOO descriptive. I'm not very good with this kind of thing, but it's required for plot lines and such.)

When she said that to Julius, he couldn't hold back anymore. He kissed her again, this time drawing her tank top up to touch her more. Arianell's breath hitched. His touch sent flames dancing across her skin in the good way. He pulled back and sat her up, moving and placing kisses across her jaw. He trailed down to her neck, gently biting and sucking in several places. He pulled her jacket off and then brushed his hands at the edge of her tank top. She let him lift it and remove it, slightly blushing. She'd never been exposed for someone like this except for her first, and it had been a while since then. 

He pulled away with a frustrated look as his fingers fumbled with her bra. She gently pushed his hands away and reached behind herself, undoing it for him. He pulled it off of her and tossed it to the side. He pressed his lips to hers again, laying her back down on the bed. Her fingers undid the buttons of his shirt, moving and brushing against his bare skin once it was opened. He gasped slightly, pulling away from her lips and moving to her neck yet again. He trailed down, his lips making contact with her breast. Arianell moaned slightly, moving up to cover her mouth. Julius pulled away and lightly grabbed her hand. 

"Don't cover your mouth,"he told her. She blushed but nodded. He laced their fingers together, and kissed her again. He turned and bit at her neck, nibbling gently. Her breaths came out short. His fingers traveled down, unbuttoning her shorts. He tugged at the zipper and she lifted up for him to pull them off. His finger hooked into the waistband of her panties. He kept his finger there not pulling them off. He lifted himself up, gazing at her. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" Arianell nodded at him quickly. He stroked the skin where her waistband had been. "You won't regret?" 

"Not if it's with you.."Arianell murmured. His body burned with warmth at hearing her say that. He pulled her underwear off and she got the rest of his clothes as well. He kissed his way down her body, sending tingles throughout her everywhere. He enjoyed the little noises she made when his lips connected with the more-sensitive patches of skin she had. He kissed up her inner-right thigh and her breath hitched. He paused before reaching her most sensitive area. He moved over to her left thigh, teasing her slightly and making her wait. He reached out with his fingers and gently rubbed at her. She moaned slightly, her breath hitching. He pulled her close and began to pleasure her gently. His fingers drew soft circles at her hips and slid under her, caressing the small of her back. 

Before she could climax, he pulled away. She gazed at him through half-lidded eyes, surprised that he'd stopped. He gave her a teasing grin and she thought she was going to melt right there. He hadn't ever smiled in front of her, and the fact that he was doing so now sent shivers down her spine. He kissed back up her body, sliding up and hovering over her. His mouth made contact with her neck and his tongue traced over one of his previous marks. He parted her legs more, adjusting her and himself. With one final look he pushed himself in. She made a slightly pained noise and he reached out, caressing her cheek. 

"Let me know when it doesn't hurt as much,"he murmured to her softly, staying still. She sighed and closed her eyes. When it was okay, she let him move. 


When they were done, and Julius had fallen against her, he sighed into her neck. She closed her eyes and breathed out. He moved and lowered himself, pressing his ear over her chest. He closed his eyes, hearing her heartbeat. 

"Interesting,"He murmured. Arianell gazed at the top of his head quietly. "So it's really true." Arianell blinked. 

"What's true?"She asked. He moved off of her and laid next to her, propping up on his elbow. She saw his muscles glimmering with the moonlight leaking in through the windows of the tower. Her eyes drank him in, enjoying the sight of him next to her. Her eyes looked up into his face, and she felt it from him. Her eyes widened. He reached out and touched her cheek gently.

Clockwork(Julius Monrey x OC)Where stories live. Discover now