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That night when she slept, she actually had a real dream instead of seeing Nightmare. She had plugged her music into her ears, noticing Julius had slipped her phone into her clothes for her. Her dream started off pleasant. It was her and Julius just dancing to the song that she was listening to. They moved to it quietly, not speaking or saying anything to one another. As they moved, the music picked up. Her eyes widened as Blood suddenly appeared. He pulled out a gun and shot Julius. 

Julius slumped and fell over to the floor. Arianell screamed in shock, collapsing next to him and trying to help him, but as she went to touch him, he shimmered and shifted into a clock. She blinked in surprise. She hid her face in her hands, sobbing. 


She ignored the voice, not wanting to look for fear of seeing the same thing again. She felt gentle hands pull at her own. When they pulled away she saw Nightmare. He gave her a soft look. 

"I'm sorry...I knew I shouldn't have left you alone tonight..."He murmured. She covered her face again. "It was only a dream.."

"Why..."Arianell murmured. Her dreams always meant something, she knew that much to be true. Was Blood really going to kill Julius? Her mind slipped on something. Why had he turned into a clock? Was that because Julius worked on them? 

"I can tell you....if you'd like. It wouldn't break the rules,"Nightmare told her. She lowered her hands, wiping at her tears. He reached out and touched her shoulder gently. "You're looking pale." Why is everyone saying that? She wondered. "Because it's true, you really do look pale. Have you been feeling alright?" Nightmare brushed her hair from her face and gently placed his hand on her forehead. His eyes widened slightly. "You're burning up...even in this world." 

"Nightmare...tell me....why did Julius turn into a clock?"Arianell pushed the subject away. Nightmare gave her a hard look. He touched the back of his hand to her cheek gently. She frowned at him. 

"I'm more worried about why you're burning up? Do you-"

"It could be because my abilities have been over exerted and I'm stressed,"She sighed, interrupting him. He frowned at her. "I haven't been feeling people's emotions this often since I was in school. That was years ago." She gave him a pointed look. 

"Alright...I'll tell you. But you won't like the answer,"Nightmare murmured. "People in this world...don't have hearts." Arianell blinked. She gave him a confused look. He frowned. "We have clocks instead of hearts. That's the truth." She looked down. 

"So then...all the clocks..."

"Yes. Julius works to fix them so the faceless can be reborn,"Nightmare murmured. 

"But there are always so many, people surely couldn't die that fast-"

"I think you can figure that answer out if you think about it."

Aria's eyes widened in shock. Julius..he must have someone out there killing people for their clocks.. Nightmare gave her a sad look. Aria sat still on the floor of the dream world, completely shocked. She stared down at her lap silently. Why....why would he do that? Nightmare reached out and placed his hand on her head. 

"It's his role. It can't be helped,"he murmured. "I'm sorry." She felt the tears brim in her eyes. That can't be true! 

She woke up with a jolt. Her eyes widened. She sat up quickly and touched her forehead. Julius kills people. He has someone kill people. She swallowed and quickly got up, pulling her shoes on. Her eyes caught the time-shift outside the window. She quickly left the room, moving and finding a maid doing her job. She stopped her. 

Clockwork(Julius Monrey x OC)Where stories live. Discover now