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The queen beamed at Arianell, happy to see her. 

"Hello! We are so glad to meet you. Our name is Vivaldi, we are the queen of hearts,"the queen spoke. Arianell blinked in surprise. She could tell Vivaldi was being serious about it. She also caught on that the queen speaks in third person which weirded her out a little, but she knew that would be rude to say. The queen gestured behind her to the white rabbit. "This is Peter White, our prime minister." Peter gazed at Arianell silently. The queen nudged him. "Say hello! Do not be rude and upset her, or we will be mad." Peter sighed. He held his gloved hand out. 

"Hello,"He murmured. Arianell accepted his hand shake and she could catch on that he didn't really want to be there. Arianell released his hand. She noticed that Julius was staying extra close to her. The queen seemed to notice as well and grinned. 

"We trust Julius is taking good care of you?"Vivaldi spoke. Julius seemed to fill with annoyance at having been addressed by the queen. Arianell smiled. 

"Yes, he's been very kind to me, I have no complaints,"Arianell replied. Julius glanced at her, slightly surprised. No complaints? He thought. Is that good? Arianell clasped her hands in front of her. "Though, he's very rude when it comes to the clocks...he won't even let me touch them." Julius felt himself go cold. While Arianell gave the queen a close-eyed smile, the queen's gaze flickered over to Julius. Julius stared right back. Arianell opened her eyes. 

"Well, we're sure he means well,"Vivaldi told her with a smile. She beamed at Arianell. "Tell us, have you danced yet?" Arianell blinked. She hadn't even noticed any music playing until just now. Arianell frowned slightly and shook her head. Vivaldi frowned. "What? The clock-maker has not asked you?" She shook her head again. 

"No, but I don't mind-"

"Clock-maker! We demand you dance with this girl!"Vivaldi exclaimed. Julius gave her a surprised look. She moved and hooked her arms around both of theirs. "Come at once! You must as you are a gentleman!" 

"What?! I never-"Julius began. 

"H-Hey, it's okay, he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to!"Arianell protested. Vivaldi ignored them, shoving them out onto the ballroom floor. Arianell wobbled about to fall over, but Julius quickly caught them. 

"Dance! Or we shall not let you leave!"Vivaldi ordered. Arianell sighed and closed her eyes. Julius swallowed. He had to admit that he didn't want to dance, but he wouldn't mind if it was with her. He offered her his hand. She opened her eyes and blinked in surprise. 

"Come on...or we'll never hear the end of it,"Julius muttered. Arianell blinked. She nodded and accepted it. He held her hand up beside them and placed his other hand on her hip. Arianell placed her other hand on his shoulder, and followed his lead. He was slightly surprised she could dance this well. Arianell sensed it and smiled slightly. 

"My mother forced me into lessons,"She explained. She sighed. "If my mother had had any other daughters, it wouldn't have been an issue and she wouldn't have messed with forcing me to learn, however I was her only child, so she made the most of the situation." Julius hummed once in response. He looked down and saw her looking away with a strange bitter smile. 

"You and your mother....were not close?"He asked. Arianell shook her head. She looked back up at him. 

"My mother hated me, for my ability,"Arianell told him. She looked back down. "Though it was also because of who my father was." Julius wrinkled his eyebrows. 

"But why hate you for your father? You can't blame a child for that,"Julius murmured. Arianell looked up at him in surprise. He sighed. "I don't quite understand you yet...outsiders aren't really what I'm best at understanding. However...I don't think your mother was just in her cause. I think you're an amazing girl even if your mother doesn't." Arianell blushed at him. Julius realized quickly and he felt his own cheeks tinting red. "Not that...my opinion matters." The song ended and they pulled apart. He lead her back over to Vivaldi who looked like she was squealing in excitement. 

Clockwork(Julius Monrey x OC)Where stories live. Discover now