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When Arianell awoke, she felt the strange sense of panic fall upon her. She had been secretly hoping that it was just a dream, and that she would wake up, but that hadn't been the case when her eyes spotted the amusement park's bedroom's ceiling. Her heart sank. She sat up and her eyes spotted it was still nightime outside when she saw the window. Like magic it suddenly shifted to morning. She moved and pulled her shoes back on and then rose, making the bed. She knew she had to go and explore more today, and get away from Gowland. She jolted in surprise when her bedroom door opened, revealing Boris. He grinned widely at her with closed eyes.

"Hey Nell!"he exclaimed. Aria blinked. He opened his eyes. "Can I call you that?" She sat still fot a moment before quickly nodding.

"Sure, I have no qualms with it,"Aria told him. He beamed at her. Aria sighed a little. His eyes spotted her paleness and he leapt over to her, taking her hand.

"Let's go eat!"he exclaimed. She had no time to protest before he closed her bedroom door and reopened it to appear right outside of a food stall in the park. She blinked in surprise, taken aback. He pulled her in and the door shut as he drug her over to get food. Once they'd sat down and eaten, she was looking a little more colorful. He beamed at her and she blinked, noticing it.

"What?"she asked.

"Nothing~!"he lied. He sighed at her slightly and rested his chin on his palm. She's nothing like Alice...but I still find myself interested in her. He thought. He felt a slight sadness at the thought of Alice. His heart throbbed and he frowned. Arianell could tell what his emotions were. She knew they were tied to Alice yet again. She stood up when she was done eating. Boris blinked up at her. She smiled.

"Thank you for the food...I'm going to go explore now, apparently according to Julius that's what I'm supposed to do,"Arianell told him. Boris rose an eyebrow. Arianell reached out and pet him on the head. He closed his eyes, feeling warmth spread in him at this simple gesture. She pulled away and headed to the park entrance in the distance. When Arianell reached the forest she felt a strange boredom wash over her. She moved and pulled her earbuds out and hooked them up to her phone. She found it strange how she hadn't lost battery at all, but didn't think anything of it. She played her music, breathing in and out. She snorted at what came on. It nearly seemed fitting. Take A Walk by Passion Pit seemed nearly perfect for her wandering self at the moment. 

She walked, her eyes dancing around. Trees surrounded everywhere aside from the path. She didn't even notice someone walking up behind her. She suddenly got an eerie feeling and slowly turned. Her eyes went wide with fear. Standing behind her was a faceless person-which she had seen plenty of in the amusement park-only this was different. They were holding a gun directly pointed at her. They squeezed the trigger and she squeezed her eyes shut, stepping back and falling. Her hand skidded on the dirt and rocks. Her earbuds were yanked out and she heard a clang ring out. She slowly opened her eyes and saw in surprise someone standing there. He wore a bright red outfit. In his hands was a sword. The faceless person ran off in fear. Arianell blinked. The guy turned around and blinked in slight surprise. He seemed to bear a dark look across his face and Arianell felt her heart sink when his emotions reached her.

Pure hatred. And disgust. Arianell swallowed. He suddenly smiled brightly. 

"Well hello there, outsider!"He exclaimed. Arianell blinked up at him. He offered her his hand. "I'm sorry you got in the middle of that, that guy has been after me for a while and he probably figured you were on my side or something." Arianell stared at his hand. She looked away and moved, pushing herself up, her hand throbbing. Her other hand tightened on her phone and she moved, pulling her earbuds up off the ground. 

"That's alright,"She murmured. She didn't want to get involved with this guy. If he'd just barely met her and already hated her, what was the point. Arianell looked at him. She smiled fakely at him. "Thank you for blocking the bullet that probably would've ended me." He grinned at her. 

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