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When she opened her eyes she saw faces looking down at her. She blinked and shrank away. They quickly backed up, fearing they might overwhelm her again. Arianell pushed herself up. She saw everyone giving her worried looks. Julius was crouching right beside her in the floor.

"What happened?"Arianell asked.

"We're sorry!"the twins shouted. They launched and hugged her. She blinked. Everyone was giving her looks of apology.

"I'm...confused?"Arianell murmured. Elliot sighed.

"You passed out because you felt all of our anger hit you at once,"he told her. Arianell's face fell. He knew. They all knew. "Julius explained your whole feeling out emotions thing." Arianell looked down. Now they would think she was a freak. She suddenly felt it. All of them cared about her. They were worried genuinely. And they felt guilty for what they'd put her through. She felt her own tears brim in her eyes.

"She's crying!"

"Ah-it was your fault!"Dum blamed Dee. Dee glared at him.


"Knock it of you idiots!"Elliot shouted, hitting both of them over the head. Arianell wiped at them.

"I'm not sad...don't worry....I just..."She stopped. She sniffed. "I'm a little surprised. My entire life anytime someone found out about my ability, they shunned me. But you guys are genuinely sorry...and all of your emotions reached me." They all looked at her. She looked up and smiled, closing her eyes. Two tears slid down her face. "I'm happy if anything." Everyone gazed at her. They all smiled to themselves and laughed. Conversations began and they asked her questions about it. She didn't notice Blood and Julius slipping away.

They both stood on the balcony staring at each other.

"So. Are you mad that I've kissed your princess?"Blood teased. He gave an amused grin to the clock-maker. "She's definitely entertained me to no point, while she was with me."

"I'm taking her back,"Julius interrupted. Blood frowned and glared at him dangerously. "She was never meant to be yours in the first place."

"Are you sure she wants you? She never once tried to return after your little spat you know,"Blood pointed out. He stepped close, giving Julius a smirk. "Are you sure your role hasn't run her off? You do kill people when their "time is up" you know." Julius sent him a cold look. Blood chuckled to himself. He walked past him towards the entrance back into the ballroom. "If you ask me...you're no longer wanted by her. I'm plenty perfect enough to fill the space you left with ease. And I can probably provide her more entertainment than you ever could."

"It's not about entertainment,"Julius muttered. Blood hummed once. "It's about her heart."

"Please, we both know that isn't the case. If it was about her "heart" she would be stuck in the same situation Alice was, using all of us as she pleases,"Blood replied. He reached the door and turned back. "Take my advice, and leave her alone. You're not welcome." The door opened and he shut it behind him. Julius stood still. Not welcome. She doesn't want me? Julius frowned. She didn't try to return to me...does that mean he's speaking the truth? He jolted when he heard the door open again. He turned. He was surprised as Arianell stepped out. She shivered a little.

"It's cold out here!!!"She exclaimed. Julius blinked. She walked over to him. "There you are....Julius." Julius stayed silent, gazing at her. She sighed and reached up, awkwardly scratching her neck. "I'm sorry." Julius' eyes widened in surprise.


"I'm sorry,"She told him. She looked away, her eyes casting out over the balcony. She sighed slightly. "I was a little...rude. Perhaps it wasn't my business what your role was...but Julius.." She looked back up at him. She smiled slightly. "I still stand where I was earlier. I want you to let me in. I care about you." He felt his chest tighten.

Clockwork(Julius Monrey x OC)Where stories live. Discover now