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In the doctor's office

Nycole wakes up

Prodigy: Are you ok?

Nycole: Where am I?

Prodigy: Babe, you passed out during practice.

Nycole: Oh, I feel better now though..

Prodigy: That doesn't matter. You still need to get your rest when we get home.

Nycole: (whining) No!! I thought we were going out to eat tonite?!!!!!!!

Prodigy: We are! But you need to get some rest.

Nycole: Okay.I'll do it but I wont like it.

Prod: Alright. The doctor said you were cleared to go home so let's go.

They get home, freshen up, and go out to eat. All but Nycole.

The doorbell rings

Nycole: Who is it?!!!!

???: Open up and see.

Nycole: Oh my gosh!!!!!! Leave me alone!!!!!!!!!

???: Did you miss me?

Nycole: Backup or I'm gonna call the cops.

???: Listen! (gritts teeth) We can either do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice.

Nycole: Get away from me!!!!!

He grabs her by the arm and throws her on the floor.

???: It doesnt work like that babe. Now it seems like I'm gonna have to do this the hard way. GET UP!!!

Sadly, I'm sure you all know what happens next.

Nycole: Please stop!!! (crying) Please..............

When he is done, he says......

???: If you tell that little boyfriend of yours, I'm gonna kill him and your little friends.

Not So Perfect Life: An MB Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now