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The next morning

(7 a.m.)

Nycole: I knew he wasn't gonna be awake.

(alarm goes off)

Prod: (snoring)

Nycole: Prooooooodddd.


Nycole: Guess we'll do this the hard way. I'm gonna eat the last piece of chicken!!!!!!

Prod: AH! I thought you said I could I have the last piece!!!!!!

Nycole: Get up and shower so we can get to the hospital.

Prod gets up and showers and they get in the car..

Nycole: I don't feel so well.

Prod: Are you ok?

Nycole: I don't know. Maybe it's a little morning sickness. I need to lay down.

Prod: We'll be at the hospital in 5 min. Just lean the seat back for now.

Nycole: .............

Prod: We're here.

They get out of the car and they walk into the hospital.

Prod: Hi. We have an appointment with Dr. Houston.

Jesse (man at the desk): Yes. Your right on time. Down the hall, take a right, and it's the last door on the left.

Dr. Houston: Hi, how are you? I'm Dr. Houston. I hear that you are here to take a pregnancy test?

Nycole: Yes sir.

Dr. Houston: Are you sexually active?

Nycole: No.

Dr. Houston: Alrighty then.

Dr. Houston gives her what she needs to take the test and comes back an hour later wiith the results.

Dr. Houston: Well Ms. Daniels, you are indeed pregnant.

Nycole: (starts to cry)

Prod: Babe, its ok. We're gonna get through this together.

Nycole: (crying) I'm gonna be like the girls on the tv show!!!! I'm gonna be 19 and pregnant!

Nycole calms down and Dr. Houston talks to her.

Dr. Houston: Nycole, if you are not sxually active, then how did this happen?

Nycole: I. I was raped.

Dr. Houston: Oh my! I'm sooo sorry to here that. Is he the father of your baby?

Nycole: No. The baby's father is in prison.

Prod: I will be the baby's father. Nycole will not allow the baby to see his or her father until she is comfortable with it.

Dr. Houston: Ok. Well, congratulations on your new baby! I will send all of the papers for requirements of a new mother to help you throughout your pregnancy.

Nycole: Thank you.

They leave and have a discussion in the car.

Prod: So, are you ok?

Nycole: Babe, I don't wanna have this baby. Not by him.

Prod: It's ok. Your not gonna get an abortion are you?

Nycole: No. I don't have a choice but to have the baby, and tell my parents. God. My dad is gonna be so mad!! He's too hot to be a grandfather right now!

Prod: -_-

Nycole: What? That's what he always says.

Prod: Wow. Okay. I've waited all night to ask you this.

Nycole: What?

Prod: Who's better?

Nycole: At, what?

Prod: You know!

Nycole: OHHHH!!!! THAT!!!!!!! You! You should know that already!

Prod: Ok. I feel better.

Not So Perfect Life: An MB Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now