What is it?

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Prod: Nycole wake up, we gotta go to the doctor.

Nycole: mhhhmmm!!!!!!

Prod: Nycole come on, Aniyah and Prince are waiting outside.

Nycole: fine.

They get in the car and drive to the hospital to see what the sex of the baby is.

In the doctor's office

Dr. Memeihei: Okay Nycole, its your turn!

Prod helps Nycole get on,the bed and the doctor puts something gooey on her stomach,and attaches it to chords for the ultra sound.

Dr Memeihei: Well, Nycole. It looks like your having a baby girl!

Prod: (shreeks from excitement) yay!!!!!

Everyone loox at prod like hes crazy.

Nycole: Thats great doctor Memeihei. Thank you so much.

Then it was Aniyah's turn. They did the ultra sound.

Dr. Memeihei: Well Ms. Vines, it seems as if your having twins!!!

Aniyah: What the HELL did you just say?

Roc: Dang, what are ya'll gonna do with two kids?

Princeton: Shut up Roc. You're not funny.

Roc: .....

Dr. Memeihei: Im joking!!!!!!!!

Kennedi: Dont do that to me.

Aniyah: I want another doc.

Princeton: Aniyah its fine. Just relax.

Dr.: The sex of The baby is female for both of you.

BTW the doctor is foreign

Aniyah: RELAX?!!!! How am I gonna relax, when we're having twins dammit! (starts crying) I'm not gonna be able to tell my baby's apart!!

Ray: (whispers to Prince) That's why you don't get your girlfriend prego. She gets crazy.

Aniyah: SHUT UP RAY RAY!!!!!!

Ray: (jumps) SO-RREEY!!!!! GOSH!

Dr. Meimeihei: Calm, down. Dr. make a joke.

So Aniyah and Prince go home pissed.

Prince: I'm gonna kick his a^^. What if I had a damn heartattack!

Aniyah: Love feels like a heartattack, babe.

Prince: -_-

Aniyah: Too early?

Prince: Damn skippy.

Aniyah: Sorry.

Just a little notice guys, I'm gonna skip a few months ahead.

Not So Perfect Life: An MB Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now