The Rachel Chenings Case

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"Good morning everyone.  The death of the teenager Rachel Chenings has finally been brought to light. After week s of research by the Investigation and Forensic analysis team of the police force, the truth behind her unfortunate death has been discovered. We have on the line, one of our reporters : Jack Burtel, who is alongside Chief Inspector Danil Bent at the Police Headquarters. Jack, the floor is yours."

"Good morning Jennie; good morning everyone. I am here at the Police Headquarters alongside Chief Inspector Danil Bent, who is in charge of the now known by the Rachel Chenings Case. He shall tell us more about it right now- good morning to you, Chief inspector. Tell us more about what the researchers of your team have uncovered."

"Good morning, good morning to you all. So, as you all know, Miss Rachel had been found hanging in the, uh, Dark Ride at Imaginary Land. Hence, the first suspicion about her cause of death-uh would be asphyxia, due to the, uh, hanging. Indeed, the analysis and autopsy done by our, uh, researchers reveal that Rachel had died of asphyxia...! But it was not due to the, uh, hanging, no. Several areas of compression and, uh, several bruises had been found along her, uh, throat and neck, suggesting that she had been, uh, smothered, and that the hanging thing was a scheme to mask the original cause of death...! Actually, it had all been well calculated; the culprit-or culprits, have waited for the body to almost, uh, enter the phase of decomposition, so that traces of their fingerprints could no longer be picked up; the decomposing body releasing all kinds of chemicals prevented the recovery of those precious fingerprints. Hence their identities could not have been uncovered-"

"Yes, I see. But Chief Inspector, you said that this might not have been the work of a single person. What makes you suspect that, although it might seem logical and quite obvious already ?"

"Well, firstly, the thing that you said is quite obvious, is certainly the hanging part. Hanging an almost decomposing body, from such, uh, a height, single-handedly seems to be quite a feat. And the other thing that I was about to mention, uh, is that traces of methylenedioxymethamphetamine, or most commonly known as MDMA or Molly, had been found in her body, implying- uh, suggesting rather, that she either is linked to a group of drug dealers, or that  she has unfortunately been a victim of the latter."

"Yes, that would make sense. Any more information that needs to be disclosed, Chief Inspector ?"

"We are trying our best to find the ones behind that atrocious incident, so that we can bring justice to Rachel. What I would want to say- advise, rather, is that people should be very wary of their surrounding environment and neighbourhood. Us, uh,  police officers are doing our best to protect each and every citizen- equally, must I add. But it may happen that sometimes, uh, we arrive at the crime scene even a minute later than expected, but the, uh, unfortunate may already happen. So, please, do take care of yourself, and especially, be very protective of your children. As you might have all noticed, the, uh, worldwide scourge of drugs is taking our children away from us at a growing speed...! So, make sure to monitor well your children's doings. That would be all, thank you."

"Thank you, Chief Inspector Danil, for having enlightened us about the situation."

"It was my pleasure."

"We shall now move back on your side now, Jennie-"


As the waitress brought our Cappuccino, we were both staring at each other, worry wrinkling our foreheads. Just when I thought of relaxing a bit with a hot cup of creamy Cappuccino... I could not feel the real taste of the Cappuccino; this horrific documentary had ruined my mood, along with my taste buds, and I did not even consider that Chief Inspector's horrible speech! He let out so many 'uh's that I was even about to start counting them...! So what you are the Chief inspector...? Have you forgotten how to talk properly...!? What a show-off he was!

"Hey, are you okay ?", inquired Chanyeol, afraid that I might burst in tears again.

"Yeah yeah... Thanks for asking", I responded back with an honest smile.
I had certainly been grazed by that news (and pissed off by that inspector's wonderful English!), but once I have cried for or about something, I would cry about it easily again.

"And here you wanted to enjoy a good Cappuccino after a long day of lecture... You want to head home ?" he concernedly but lovingly asked.

I realised that tears had started to form in my eyes, and it was no due to the grieving news that we had just heard; it was for Chanyeol's endless concern and worry about me and my well being. I felt bad, for having made him worry about me, and for always being so self-centred that I would never ask him about his current feelings. I realised that, in the end, he was the one I would cry for the most, as he would always render me weak with his limitless love and concern.

"No...! Not at all; I'm fine Chan. I'm done being a crybaby, hehe-"

"Hey, listen to me. It's going to be fine, alright ? You are allowed to cry...! You are human!" he reassured.
What was with him though ? I already told him that I was doing fine. Even though I had tears in my eyes, they were not a product of mourn or sadness, but more of a product of guilt. Maybe he was the one who needed to cry and unwind a bit.

"Chan, I'm doing fine. You're the one who seems to be quite disturbed. Are you doing okay...?" I asked in turn.

"Yeah... Well, let's finish our Cappuccino and head home", he simply said.

Indeed, he was not doing that fine, and I could understand that. Hence, I took quick gulps of the hot Cappuccino and made sure to seem as natural as possible. He did not have the time to focus his attention on me either, as he was quickly swallowing the Cappuccino. That would have been the first time that I did not relax and enjoy my hot cup of creamy Cappuccino... Oh well, everything has a beginning.

We left as soon as we had finished our drink. Chanyeol was taking long steps towards the car, and my little feet were quickly tiring up. I was speed-walking, on the verge of running, as he was being quick on his long giant-like feet. Nevertheless, I said nothing; I kept following him even though my Gastrocnemius muscles (calf muscles) were starting to ache. 

We had soon reached the car and we both hurried in. As soon as we had both settled on our seats,  Chanyeol turned to look at me. As I turned to look at him and see if something was wrong, he abruptly wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in my neck. He started sobbing; I patted his head and stroked his back gently as I shushed him softly. I uttered no word and let him cry, and soon felt some tears roll down my cheeks too. 

"Chan... These things are part of this world now, and I'm sure you're already aware of that now. Look, something shall be done for the betterment of this rotting world eventually... And then, everyone will have their chance to be genuinely happy, and we'll all be able to smile freely and purely", I finally said, after some long minutes of silent sobbing.

I felt him nod in the crook of my head, but he did not leave me and kept his embrace tight around me. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and hugged him. I stroked his back and, as he started felling better, he loosened his embrace and gave me a purely sweet smile. I kissed him on the cheek and lightly pecked his lips. A wider smile grew on his face, although still tainted with melancholy. But he would be doing just fine, I knew it. He would certainly think about this all night long, but he would be doing alright the next morning, just like me...

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