Chapter Two-Trustworthy

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Chapter Two


Cringe-Matt Maeson

I wake up extremely well rested for once, but a little irritated that my dreams were filled with a man who has an affinity for green and gold. After showering and changing into shorts and a baggy t-shirt, I head to the kitchen for some real food. The PB and J sandwich from last night was definitely not enough to fill me up. It's empty when I walk in and I pull out my phone to check the calendar to see if the team's out on a mission while I make a cup of coffee. Seems only half the team is out, leaving Thor, Vision, and...Loki here with me. I guess this'll be the weekend of paper work. As much as I love Thor and Vision, they tend to get into long conversations about space that go right over my head. After stirring in the sugar in my coffee, I turn to the fridge to grab the milk, but nearly have a heart attack when I see Loki leaning against the door.

"Milk, my kitten?" He asks, getting it out and setting it next to me.

"Not your kitten." I mumble and take the milk, pouring what I like and sliding past him to put it back.

"Did you sleep well last night?" He asks in a seemingly considerate tone of voice. I roll my eyes and put a bagel in the toaster. Loki leans against the counter, crossing his long legs at the ankles like he's at a damn photo shoot.

"Yes. Thanks." I answer curtly as I get out butter and a knife, ignoring his heated gaze on me.

"Did you dream of me, darling?" He questions and the knife in my hand clatters onto the counter as shock runs through me.

"No." I growl, my hands gripping the counter tightly. His dark chuckle fills the small space and I look over at him. His hair is messier than usual from sleep, but he's already dressed for the day in a navy button up and slightly lighter slacks. It irritates me. Especially, when he's wearing that damn cocky smirk.

"I think you're lying." He tells me coolly, chuckling as I jump when my bagel pops up. Quietly, I butter my bagel and do my best to ignore him. "What did your dreams contain, my dear? Was it more of what we experienced yesterday evening?" He asks rhetorically, moving around me and letting his hand skim my back that is unfortunately covered with my shirt. "Did my hands graze your skin like a tender breeze, or did they press harder, more insistently against you?" He continues and my next breath is far shakier than I would have liked. I turn around to grab a plate, but halt when he moves suddenly, his arms caging me in by resting on the counter at my sides. "Will you not answer me, my kitten?" His breath skims across my face and I take in a steadying breath.

"You know, that sounds good." I take pleasure in seeing the shock register in his eyes. "I'd happily make love to your body until we were both sore-"

"Oh, it takes a lot to do that, kitten." He interrupts with a devilish grin. Heat fills my cheeks at the mere thought, but I continue.

"Mmm, I'll admit your body is a fine one." I tell him slowly, leaning forward until our lips are an inch apart and his eyes are half shut. "But, you aren't trustworthy." I state, pushing him away and getting my plate. "And that's where I draw the line." I end, grabbing my food and walking out, leaving him staring after me with his mouth slightly open. I have an office next to my room and that's where I end up. My bagel disappears quickly, then I immerse myself in work. After every mission I sort all the reports from the team into folders, then into file cabinets. Surprisingly, it's a soothing practice that doesn't require any brain power, so this is my time to think. This time, the quiet in my mind is a welcome change from the usual chatter.

"What do you mean, 'I'm not trustworthy'? Am I not a part of the team?" Loki bursts in through the French doors and I sigh. I should've known he'd find me. I tuck the folder away and go back to my desk, sitting down and facing him. Of course, he's leaning against the wall in the shadows, his eyes hooded as he looks down at his feet.

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