Chapter Four-The Glorious Mistake

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Chapter Four

The Glorious Mistake

Consequences-Camila Cabello

My eyes are too heavy to lift in the morning, so I let my other senses figure things out first. It smells as it did when I fell asleep and the scent continues to soothe me, as well as beckon me awake. Gentle breathing reaches my ears, then a chuckle when my arms tighten around the tree trunk that is his torso.

"Good morning, my little kitten." Loki greets me as I tilt my head up and finally open my eyes, squinting in the early morning light. The light frames his head, making it look like he's glowing.

"Uh, hi." I greet him back awkwardly, squinting to see his face. Suddenly, his arm lifts and all the shutters in the room shut. I sigh happily when just one little lamp turns on. "Thank you." I say gratefully and finally look at his face. A gentle smile is stretched across his lips and I can feel his long fingers combing through my hair. "You stayed." It's a statement instead of a question, but I wait for his response anyway. That signature chuckle tumbles from his lips before he answers.

"Did you expect me to leave you in the night, my kitten? Perhaps you think too little of me. Or too much, thinking that I could resist you laying there like a goddess among the clouds." He croons sweetly and his words call a little smile to my face.

"You have a silver tongue, Loki Friggason." I say in a stern voice, but it's belied by my smile. His own doesn't dim in the slightest and it's nice to see him smile in a way that isn't completely devious.

"Ah, yes. But with a woman like you there is no need for exaggeration." He continues with the flattery. I roll my eyes and roll out of bed, sighing and stretching when I stand. Loki hums appreciatively. "As if any more proof was needed." He comments. I laugh and shake my head while heading over to my dresser for some clothes.

"Are you expecting something in return for your compliments?" I ask while choosing a black tank top and dark green cutoffs to wear. I jump slightly when his arms gently wrap around my waist and tug me tight against him.

"I would accept another kiss." He whispers in my ear, brushing his teeth down the side and nipping at my lobe. I hum happily at the feeling and my eyes shut automatically.

"That's probably not a good idea." I try to think rationally as fire shoots through my veins at his touch. His breath slides over my skin as his hands slide up my body and pause just under my breasts.

"Your fluttering heart and rapid breathing betrays you, my little kitten. Would you like me to describe what my dreams contained last night?" My breathing is heavy as he asks, my own dreams being enough to base off what his might contain. I turn to face him and lean back against my dresser before nodding, wanting to hear what he has to say. His blue eyes send lightning through my blood when they meet mine and I take a deep breath to steady myself. His hands fall to the hem of my shirt and tug playfully as he begins to speak. "As lovely as you look in this big shirt, you weren't wearing a thing in my dream." Loki's nose nearly brushes mine as he speaks and his eyes never leave mine. "We were back on that luxurious bed of yours, putting it to more work than just sleeping this time. I had you splayed out beneath me like a delicious tray of treats waiting for me to devour. Oh, and I meant to. I wanted to make you purr like the little kitten you are, but I soon found you weren't a purring creature." He pauses and his lips stretch into a fond smirk. "The way you screamed my name, ah..." He shuts his eyes and swallows, letting his hands flutter under my shirt and rest on my bare waist. I squeak at the contact and watch as he licks his lips slowly, opening his eyes to meet mine once again. "it was the most enticing sound I've ever heard. I made you scream again and again and again, until my name was the only word you'd dare utter. Then, I took you in every way I could imagine." His hands slide up my body as he talks, once again stopping just under my breasts. My heart is hammering against my ribcage and there's no way he can't feel it. He continues, seemingly reveling in every word that passes his tempting lips, "On the bed, pressed against the wall, the shower, even the hallway where anyone could stumble across us. I took you hard and fast, soft and slow, until I was spent and you hadn't the strength to say my name any longer." He finishes with an appreciative hum as if I'm not about to melt in his hands.

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