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"I just want us to be happy, yknow?" I asked. I ruffled my short black hair, my mom had tears in her eyes.
"Remington, can you tell me who 'us' is?" The doctor sitting across from me asked, his deep blue eyes studied mine, it made me uncomfortable.

I tapped on my forehead stating the obvious.

"There should only be you in there Remington." He said to me. I shook my head no "That sounds lonely" I shrugged
and the doctor scribbled something down. His glasses pressed to his eyebrows- like they were stuck there. I'd been drilled with questions over and over from this man, my tongue was uncomfortable in my mouth.

"Schizophrenia" he said aloud, and my mom ran her hands over her face in distress. I could feel my feet tingling.

"What the hell is Schizophrenia?" I asked.

"Something that's wrong with you."

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