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Remington pulled me out of the tub. The water had gone cold. "I'm sorry." He said again. And I shook my head. "Don't." I told him. He looked down at our wet clothes and I just shrugged and pressed a smile- hoping to cheer him up, he smiled back. I let the water drain and I peeled my clothes from my body.
Remington changed into some dry track pants and I put on an over sized shirt and underwear.

"Oh wow- yeah not fair." He mumbled, and I snapped my head over to him.
"What?" I asked him. "That you can just.. look like that. Without even trying." He ran a hand through his hair. "Uh- pardon me, but what the fuck." I pointed at him dramatically looking him up and down drinking in his shirtless frame. "It's like you were fuckin pumping pounds everyday, you're ripped love." I shook my head and turned away before I blushed or drooled. But he was on me. His hands around my waist from behind.

"I was trying to get out of there. But I had a little help." He smirked and he squeezed me to him. "It was my pleasure, really." I said and I held his arms to me taking in his warmth like a sponge, as I took in his scent. He rested his head on my shoulder, placing a soft kiss under my ear. "What are we?" He asked me. "What do you want us to be?" I asked him.
"I want you to be mine.." he started. "Well then so be it." I dismissed before he could doubt himself.

He tensed. "Wait really?" He asked. "If that's what you'd like." I shrugged and I spun in his arms facing him now, I held his hands in mine. "I've known you for such a short period, but I do know that I love you." He said, his dark eyes were open, vulnerable.

"I love you." I said. Kissing his nose.
We had a big day tomorrow, I was confronting his family

He hadn't slept in his new bed yet. Because he was sleeping in mine. I wrapped myself in blanket and he searched for my hand in the dark. He grabbed it and held it securely. "I can't stop thinking about what happened to you..." he said to me. "You understand why I wanted to help you now?" I asked him. I blinked but I couldn't adjust to the complete blackness that consumed my room. "Yeah." He breathed. "You hide all that pain pretty well." He said. "Not that it's a compliment, but so do you." I replied. He squeezed my hand, and I memorized the feeling,
"You ready for tomorrow?" I asked him. He sighed. "I don't know." He said and it was honest.

"If it's any help, I'll be there the whole time." I said kind of as a joke. Even though it was obvious I needed to be there.

And his hand relaxed and that was only then that I noticed it had been slightly tense. "Makes me feel a lot better actually." He said.
"Oh- well, I promise you- I'll fix it." I said. "I know." He replied. And I could hear his smile. "You're really persuasive like that." He said. "What're you trying to say?" I asked him we were both smiling now, just looking up at the black ceiling.
"Are you calling me manipulative?" I laughed.

He laughed too.

"I'm saying- that you could probably tell me to do anything- and I'd gladly do it." He said. "Anything?" I repeated his word to ask him if he was sure he used the right one. "Anything." He said it again.

I put it to the test. "Kiss me." I stated and he practically threw himself at me without hesitation.  He hovered over top of me and pressed his lips to mine. "Gladly." He whispered and I pulled him in to kiss him again.
His soft lips were placed on mine and I felt my skin deteriorating and my bones were barely holding me up, I leaned into him and he rested his forehead on mine. He broke away to laugh at himself a bit.

Whatever thoughts he was having I cleared them by kissing him yet again. He leaned over me and pushed me down further onto the bed. He was so unbelievably gentle, like holding broken glass, he kissed down my jaw and onto my neck.
"You're so beautiful, Y/N." He whispered into my skin and I shuddered at his voice.

He made me such a mess without even trying.
His warm, soft touch made me shiver, he secured his hand around my body. Suddenly he forcefully pulled me towards him, removing the gap between us. He pressed his bare chest into mine, and dug his face into the crook of my neck.
The warmth of his body on mine was so soothing. I tangled my legs with his. He placed kisses on my neck, jawline and shoulders.
The way he was holding and kissing me, the way his warm body was against mine, I couldn't help but let out a small moan. He smiled onto my skin at my response. He guided his other hand to my thigh and slowly moved it higher. I could feel the knot in my stomach and throat beginning to form, as he awfully slowly moved his hand higher and higher. He then put that hand up the shirt as well and around my back, and on the couch to hold himself above me.
He never once stopped kissing my neck. Leaving marks, that I hoped concealer would hide. He pulled me as close as possible, "You are so beautiful" repeatedly into my ear, between kisses. He kissed down my neck, moving the shirt down. He stopped himself. He let out a defeated sigh.
"What??" I asked him sorry filling my bones. "Nothing, love, I just don't want to rush you." He said and he laid down beside me again.

"I wouldn't let you do it if I didn't want it." I bargained and he laughed. "That was a threat, wasn't it?" He smirked and he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. "You don't scare me." He laughed and placed a kiss on my head.

"Should I?"

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