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- - -flashback

Electric shocks flooded through me. I screamed out but no sound came from my body. Then I noticed the blockage over my mouth. Bright lights and a stinging headache.
"Again, 250" a man barked an order. And before I could adapt the shock stung me again, harder.

I saw them
The dark blue eyes. I hated them. I wanted to poke them out with a fork-
300 volt pain- another disappointing silent scream.

Pain like red and blue at the same time- All my muscles tightened I thought they would rip my skin: like I'd explode from this horrible skin-casing
"That's enough." A woman said

"Remington take this." And pills were put into my mouth. I did as told and swallowed.
I was numb.
I was helped in sitting up. "How do you feel?" The blue eyed doctor asked me. I glared at him. If these ties weren't holding me down I would've kicked his ass. "I want to go home." I growled, the low anger in my voice clearly startled the nurse, she was taken back- frightened by my rumbling tone. The blue eyed bastard however, only furrowed his brows.

"Check him later. Update me on his status." He said looking at me- but not talking to me. The nurse wrote that down.

Status? Was I a fucking battery? Were they testing my charge to see how I'd react?
Cause I was fuelled alright- fuelled with fucking rage.

I've been here for two days and I already want to die even more, hopefully I'll be out in a few more.

misunderstood (remington leith)Where stories live. Discover now