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"Sebastian, what am I doing wrong?" I looked at my hands, the lines in them were deep, like folds in a crumpled paper. "Nothing buddy, this isn't your fault, we just want you to be okay." He put his hand on my shoulder.
"I am okay! I'm being sent away Sebastian, why? What the fuck for? Has anyone told Emerson? Does he even fucking know?" I yelled at him. My fingers were shaky. I pulled at my hair with them.

"The doctor is gonna help you okay?" I could see the tears in his stained glass eyes. His eyes were red, I could feel how much they stung. "I don't want help- I'm okay." I choked out

My throat was tight, it was being pushed on by the feeling in my stomach.

"You're not okay Remington, you're not.."

misunderstood (remington leith)Where stories live. Discover now