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I sat in the spare room of the Kropp house they insisted I spend the night, I could hear all four of them taking downstairs, all good things, lots of breaks for hugs, I know I shouldn't have been listening. But it was all I could hear.
"Y/N? Love, are you still up?" I heard Rems faint voice, I looked up from my phone and at him, his hair was spiky, his face clean and soft.

I nodded, "yeah, what's up?" "Do you want tea?" He asked me, I shrugged with a nod, he held my hand as we walked down the stairs. "Thankyou so much...." he breathed. "It's okay Rem, I'm glad I can help you, are you happy?" I asked him. His eyes were lightly glossed over. "Yes Y/N, I'm so unbelievably happy..." he was certain, the sincerity in his voice was almost frightening.

"I almost feel.... sick." He said and I couldn't help but laugh, he laughed with me.
"I owe all of this to you." He said squeezing my hand, we reached the bottom of the stairs and he pulled me in and kissed me.
"I promise you I will make you the happiest woman alive- I owe you my life." He looked at me with those dark brown eyes, they almost had bits of gold in them.
Emerson walked in with a bottle of trumoo. He offered some to me and Sebastian gasped.

"He doesn't do that to anyone!" Sebastian referred to the chocolate milk offering. I politely declined.
As Rem began making tea Stephanie held my hands. "No matter what you and Remington are- you are a part of this family now, you are such a kind and open soul, and I hope one day I can understand why you did what you did so I can understand how to thankyou properly." She smiled at me. "Awe Stephanie, I'm happy you're all happy, I love you all, thank you for everything." I smiled at her.

Remington then whisked me away from her. "I'm serious now Y/N..." his voice was stern.

"I want you."
"Will you be my girlfriend?"

The room was silent.
My face was hot,
My hands were shaky
My heart racing
My brain, happy
My answer true


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