Chapter 12

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I wake up to see pepole leaning over me. "Is there a reason that you all are over me?" I ask half asleep. 

"1st. you sound so cute when your half-asleep. 2nd. today is your first real match."Xander says

"1st. thank you. 2nd. What time. " Damn. these people really have tto wake me up at my thoughts are interrupted by me looking over at the clock. 8:00!!! i curse and look up at xander.

"1st your welcome. 2nd 2 hours." I groan and sit up. I look onto the other bed to see i'm not the only one who was still asleep. I stand up and jump over onto the bed where Rochelle and Lorenzo were cuddled up. I feel a hand on my ankle and I was pulled down. 

"HEY! GET YOUR LAZY ASSES UP!!!! LORENZO WE HAVE TO FIGHT IN 2 HOURS SO I SUGGEST YOU HURRY THE HELL UP!" I yell while standing up and jumping again. He picked up a pillow and chucked it at me making me fall off the bed.Lorenzo sits up. I plop back down on my bed and sit up.Just then Mario walked in and threw a bag at me and one at Lorenzo.

"Go on, get dressed. Uniform for in the ring on underneath sweats and T-shirt. Lorenzo same. don't put on the jacket yet. " We nod and Head to the bathrooms. I go to the other room and get dressed. We come out and Mario nods and shoves us all out the door.         

"Mario I have never seen so much green in my life." I look down into the duffel bag

"Just wait. Be glad we are the only team with green as our color. There are like 5 teams with pink." He says. We arrive at the place and head back to our section in the locker room. Me and Lorenzo take of our sweats and leave our T-shirts on. Before we leave the locker room Alyssa forces the team to sit down and shoo's the other girls away.         

"We got you all a good luck charm.We'll go with who has been on the team the longest to least. Colin you first." She walks over to Colin and gives him a little box. He opens it and inside it is a golden set of gloves on a string. "Awesome." He says and puts it on.

Next was Xander.Then she went to Ryan and Lorenzo"This looks so cool." Ryan smiles  putting it over his neck

Last was me. I open the box ans see a silver gloves with a braided heart around them

"Thank you so much. It's so pretty!" I said while attempting to but it on. "I can't get it!" I pout then feel a hand on mine.

"Here." Xander says clipping it.

"All better!" I yell. "Can we wear these during the match?" I ask and Mario nods. "Well lets go find the girls!" I say and run out the door. They all catch up to me and I am grabbed by the waist and picked up. "Hey!!!!! I'm on a mission here!" I say 

"So am I." Xander says while giving me a kiss and Mario slaps us both on the back of the head. 

"Normally I wouldn't give a shit you two making out in public but no PDA here or else she'll get a disqualified." Mario says as we blush.

"Now put me down." I say and he sets me on the floor. We find the girls and Rochelle tries to give Lorenzo a kiss. 

"Can't right now. Sorry I could get In trouble. Hugs are okay though!" He says and she gives him a hug. Xander does the same to me and then a loud speaker goes off. "ALL BOXERS TO THE WARM UP ROOM WITH COACHES ONLY. FIGHTS BEGIN IN 10 MINUETS."  Then it shuts off. 

"Good luck baby." Xander and Rochelle say at the same time and we laugh. "Thanks." Me and Lorenzo say and by then everyone is laughing.i hate when people talk at the same time as me. It makes me feel so un-original.

"Well let's go!" Mario says grabbing our arms and dragging us off. We get into the warm-up room and start practicing by throwing a few punches at each other while coach gives a few last minuet tips. "Ok remember, you both need to win at least 4 matches today to get a chance at the rest of your qualifying matches. You both are in 5 so no pressure." oh yeah, since when did saying no pressure actually help? like seriously. out of nowhere, Mario gives us gut wrenching news, "Caro your in the first match." Our jaws both drop as he drags us out of the room to the main gym.

He's briefing me on the girl i'm fighting when a ref tells us it's time to go. "One last thing, Fight for it. (omg so sorry had to add that "uses title of story" cliche whats your favorite cliche??? tell me in the comments!)Good luck." He says while kissing my fore head.

I take off my shirt and sweats revealing my sports bra and boxing shorts and hand it to him. He nods and I climb into the ring. The first thing I thinkafter seeing this girl is Why must I be so damn tiny? This girl was at least 3 inches taller than me. Whatever. So is Matt. I scan the crowd and see the rest of the team. I pop in my mouth guard and the ref tells us to touch gloves. I barely touch hers being scared out of my mind.

This girl was really off balance. I could tell by the way she threw her punches. I ducked and shot a kick straight for her chest. She grabbed my leg and spun me over. Was that even legal? I stand there so she let's go but she didn't do it nicely.

She pushed me to the floor and sat on my chest. She started throwing punches to my face hitting me in every spot she could. I jerk me knees up hitting her in the back and roll her off of me. I stand up and she does the same. this bitcj really has no skill all she does is use her size to ovverpower.  I hit her in the jaw to fast for her to realize and punch her in the chest

.She flinches and I find a weakness. Shes so big she moves like a snail. I use it to my advantage and kick her in the same place. She falls and the ref gives me the first match.I walk over to Mario and find the team with him. They were all freaking out cause my face was bleeding in apparently 4 different spots and I pop out my mouth guard and steal Xander's water bottle. I chug have of it and hand it back and he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek but he made it look like he was whispering something to me so we didn't get in trouble by the ref. Mario saw though. As Xander was being nagged I was called back to the ring. I climb back in and pop my mouth guard in. The girl does the same and the match starts.

She comes at me as soon as the ref calls it with more punches to the face. I kick her leg making her lose the little balance she had. She fell and I got on her and did what she did before. She tapped out after I punched her once and I won my first match. I climb out of the ring and Mario groans cause she made me bleed even worse in 5 other spots on my face and my eye was partly swollen. "your pretty little face cant ttake this much damage." He growels anf shoots the girl a dirty look.

Soon after people are done babying me Lorenzo was called into the ring. He had all 5 of his matches in  a row 3 rounds each. He won every one with flying colors. hes too fucking perfect that asshole.

the competition was flying by watching fight after fight and having a great time with my family. Soon I had to go back to the ring. I chug a few bottels of water and look over my shoulder at the girl who destroyed my face a few hours earlier. Something about her just gives me the creeps.

I got into the ring prepared to fight when I stopped in my tracks when I saw someone who I knew was gonna beat the shit out of me for the hell of it. She wasn't going to be nice either. I scan the audience to see that my brother is here with her. How did I not see that coming. Of course she would be here. the bitch hates me more then my brother does. 

The ref makes us touch gloves and she bumps my fist earning a warning glance from the ref. The match starts andI go at her as fast as I can and I try to give her no oppertunity to come anywhere near me.  I won the first round but when the second one came around she went a little...crazy.      

The second round started and she came flying at me decking me in the face a few times.  Why must my brother pick the aggressive women? She got me on the mat within the first few seconds by shoving me down on the mat. Thats not legal. Bitch. 

I kicked up at her gut knocking her off balance as I got up. She kicked me in the gut 2 times before I nearly threw up. She some how found an opening and came at me fists flying. The ref called it and we climbed out of the ring. I run to Xander and hide in his chest with a tear and blood  stained face."What's wrong babe? That was awesome." 

"He's here. My brother is here. I just fought his girlfriend. I still have one more round against her. I'm scared. She recognized me. That's why she went all crazy." I say and I am called back to the ring.She kicks me in the face before the match even starts and I fall to the floor.People love beating the shit out of my face. Mario is going to be pissed. Before the ref can get her she gets on top of me and starts throwing punches at me and I see my brother next to me on the mat.

"Good night little sister." He says and she stands up and kicks me in the face. I hear people screaming my name and just screaming in general. The last thing I hear is "Stay with us. Don't shut your eyes." Well so much for that. I fade into darkness with my own screams haunting me.

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