Chapter 19

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Alright, it's official. I am sleeping on this couch every night. If only the pounding in my head would stop and I could go back to sleep. I have no idea what time it is, but it's probably to early for this shit. Like i'm a teenager. I should be sleeping right now. Who cares what time it is? Groaning, I sit up and look across the coffee table to see the Ryan currently occupying the other couch. Damn, he looks like hell. Did I do that? Hes bruised and looks like he has a split lip. Looking around, nobody else is in the living room but I hear voices talking in the kitchen.

I stand to my feet, staggering a little bit, as I make a poor attempt at regaining my balance. Yeah, thats deffinatly not happeneing. I take a few rushed steps to get to the nearby wall, and slowly guide myself down the hallway clinging to the wall for dear life. I see Mario and Alyssa sitting at the bar, and Colin and Matt sitting on different counters.

"There is no way it's her. Mario she isn't even a brunette. Shes a blonde. how can she possibly match the description?" Colin asks and Mario sighs.

"If it wasn't her then how do you explain the sc-" He notices me standing in the doorway. "Caroline, your awake. How do you feel?"

"Like crap.Now can i have an ice pack for my face please? I don't think im swollen but it hurts like a bitch." WIth that, Matt opens up the cabinet behind him and tosses a bottle of ibprophen at me.

"Take three. Helps with the headache I know you have, and also the swelling and aching of everywhere else." I nod, pop open the bottle, and try to walk to the third seat at the bar but end up falling into it. I sit dow and let myself look at Matt again. He looks at me with eyes filled of love and worry. . Not love in the way Mario looks at Alyssa but in the way that an older brother looks at his little sister. Up untill now, Ive never thought about Matt this way but I am just now realizing that he isn't a pervert like my preconcived notions implyed. He is my big brother. He is the oldest, and has only been looking for chances to get to know me better.

Actually, thats the case with all the boys. Colin, Matt, Lorenzo, Ryan..... all four of them just want to get to know me better and I have been spending my time focusing on Xander. I groan and lay my cheek on the cool counter. "Are you alright Caroline?" Alyssa asks and I nod.

"I'm just thinking about how Ive only been focusing on Xander. I'm sorry. you all are my family. I need to spend more time with everyone and get to know you better." She smiles and lays her arm across my shoulders.

"Caroline theres no need to apologize. We all understand how the whole first love thing works." She laughs a little and I look down at my lap. Maybe it's best if I tell them how I feel about all of this.

"Honestly, I think I am more in love with the idea of having someone then I am Xander...I was just so broken when you all found me. I had no idea what my life was going to be and he was here for me in ways no one else was. I am so scared of these feelings just being some hormanal teenage girl thing and not actually me loving him. I don't want to hurt him. If I were to hurt him I would never be able to forgive myself." I look up at my oldest brothers, hoping to find some answers in their eyes but i just get and ice pack thrown at me and a stalled laugh from Matt.

"isn't Caroline and Xander technically incest? Because yano the whole adopted thing?" Alyssa shakes her head and sighs.

"Boys, why don't one of you go check on Ryan and the other go to wake up Xander and Enzo? Tell Enzo to get packing and tell Xander Caroline is awake and he should come to see her. Make sure he stays calm." The boys get the hint and turn to walk out of the kitchen and Colin punches Matt in the shoulder.

"Caroline, if it was some hormone thing you would have broken up by now. THink about it sweetheart, with everything that youv'e been through in the past year, if you didn't truley care for him, he would have just been a distraction. I am so happy you are compassionate enough to think about it that way though. If you weren't then we would really have an issue on our hands." SHe gives me a tight hug and I just now realize that Mario had left the room. Noticing my confusion, Alyssa informs me that stranger guy from earlier today is downstairs training with him right now.

"So what is stranger guy's name anyways?" This earns me a laugh from her and I see her smile one of the brightest smiles iv'e ever seen. I see why Mario can never seem to keeps his eyes offf of her. Shes gorgeous.

Anyways, she goes on to tell me that his name is Scott and he is an old friend of Mario's. Just here to work out and he's a scout. When she tells me he's a scout I nearly drop my ice pack. Obviously he's here for the guys. But I am still super excited. This is amazing for my boys. I am so proud of them.

Hey guys!!! I was so excited to publish this I didn't fix the formatting or write a note ! Anyways, this chapter is completely new, and I am really proud of how it turned out. Sorry it's so short It would have been longer but I was rushing cause I felt like I owed yall!

Qotd: favorite out of Ryan, enzo, matt, and Colin?

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