Chapter 17

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"You don't own me Whitney." Caroline said before she ran out of the building. 

"Whitney! That was not cool! We all know that you have issues but that is no reason to go around picking on people! You don't know what has happened to her or anything. And telling her to kill herself??? That was to far! Way to far! What did she ever do to be called a slut or whore?" Julia yelled. 

"My boyfriend was staring at her once. She always got everyones attention because they thought she was pretty. As if." She scoffs and Julia takes a step forward and pulls her hair knocking her to the ground.

"Listen here bitch. That's my best friend your talking about. Now get your sorry ass up, turn around and walk your preppy ass out of here and never come back. Got it?" I glance over my shoulder and see Matt practicly drooling. Gross. I reach over and slap the back of his head.

"Wrong time bro." I mouth and he glares while rubbing the back of his head.

Focusing back on my girlfriends red-headed best friend and Whitney, I notice that Whitney looks rather terrified. Damn straight. I would be too. Julia can get pretty damn scary when she gets pissed.

Mario walks over to the girls and sets a hand on Julia's shoulder silently letting her know to calm down and let her go. Reluctantly we see her hand let go of Whitney's hair and the blonde girls hand instantly pressing on her head. "Whitney your father will know about this. That was completely unacceptable. Now leave. You aren't welcome in my gym. You just hurt one of my children emotionally and physically." Mario said clearly pissed.

"But uncle please!" She whines and I roll my eyes. Just leave already. Honestly.

"Don't start with me girl. Out. Now." Damn i dont think I have ever seen Mario this harsh. He points to the door and Whitney stomps her foot and marches out of the gym. 

Mario grabs the phone from behind the desk and we hear him for the next few minuets talking angerly to Whitney's dad and eventually he says that he has the right to refuse service family or not and he slams the phone back onto the counter. Alyssa waves her hand shooing all of us away and we walk upstairs.

"Hey Xander?" I look over at Ryan as he has his hand kinda raised and I laugh a little.

"What's up Bro?"

"What the fuck did you ever see in that bitch?"

"Honestly, I have no idea." I laugh and he pats me on the back before him Lorenzo, and Rochelle walk down the hallway to the guys' room and Matt, Julia, And Ryan retreat to theirs. I walk down the hall to the living room and sit there on the couch drinking a bottle of water for a while.

Where is she? I need her to be okay. I would be out looking for her but I know that if she finds me looking for her she is gooing to be pissed. She needs her time alone. I just need to know that she is okay. It's amazing how often I find myself thinking about her and my brothers. I never could have guessed that I was going to find this family and my girl. When my dad kicked me out my mother didnt do anything to stop him. I don't understand why, but that was two years ago. Im almost 17 now, and I forgive her. Next week she said she is going to drop in and visit because she wants to see me again before I get stressed out and into championship mode. I let my thoughts swallow my mind for a few more minuets before I fall asleep laying on the couch.


        I just need a while to myself. Since i'm dressed for a work out I turn myy alone time into a run. Letting my feet pound onto the warm pavement, I run down the road waving to the occasional kind person who waves first. Old elderly couple, mom walking a baby, other runners, you know the bunch. after who knows how long I slow down enough to let my thoughts seep back into my head. Theres no way Mario would actually let her train there right? I am his "daughter". Shes just his bratty neice. Whatever.

        Shaking my head, I speed up again shutting out my thoughts making my way halway across town before I decide it's time to turn around and head back. As I get closer to the gym, I see whitney stomp out of the gym and as I near the gym I decide to avoid that storm ffor a while longer. I keep running right past the gym, waving to Alyssa who was sitting at the front counter going thorugh paper work most likely for the champion ship. She nods telling me that I am alright to run for a hwile longer and I let out a sigh of  relief happy that I can keep going. I have always loved running to be honest. It lets me see how hard I can push myself before my body gives out adn once my body gives out I sit and rest for a few minuets before getting right back up and going again. It's a never ending cycle of sweat and determination.

        After about 20 minutes, I turn around and reluctantly run towards the gym. The sign on the window says closed so I know that it must be after six. On tuesdays, they gym is "closed" at six. That just means that no one can come in at that point because intensive training has started. No one is downstairs though. I guess everyone got all of their hours in this morning before Mario made his announcement. 

        I lock the door behind me and flip on the swtich that lights up all of downstairs. I grab a wrap from behind the counter and wrap my knuckles before going to a bag and letting the beast out. My fists bang and leave marks on the bag from the force I am putting into it. RIght now i'm going all out. I'm not worried about form, or anything like that. I am just tryiiing to clear my head of todays events. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and steeady the bag. "Xander I'm fine. Really. Just go back upstairs."

        "Caroline its not Xander." I look over to see a worried looking Mario walking towards me.

        "Well can you do a girl a favor and hold the bag?" I look over at him and he sighs.

"Caroline this isn't healthy. Youve been down here for two hours."

"Mario your crazy. I got home at like 6." I look over at the clock and it says 8:00 and I groan. "Well it's not like I have school to go to tomorrow." He places his hands expertly on either side of the bag and nods at me and I start firing away. "Besides, you usually have us down here practicing for hours."

"Not out of anger or disdain or whatever emotion your putting off" I roll my eyes and keep going slowing down a bit.

"This is how I get it out papa...I mean Mario. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" I take my fists down and sit down on the bench right there and he sits next to me.

"It's alright sweetheart. You can call me whatever you want. Whatever makes you feel more at home here." I look up at him blinking a few times and lay my head on his chest and start crying. His hand goes to the back of my head and the other around my body holding me tightly. "shhh. It's alright. I'm here for you. You don't need to explain your tears or anything to me. I am here to protect you and to comfort you when your upset. I am always going to see you as my real daughter wether we took you in or not. Your my own Caroline. I will always protect you."  The last thing I remember from that night was being lifted up and carried whilee falling asleep in the most comforting arms in the world.


Well i thought i'd give you a good chapter for how long its taken me to update. I am going to try to put up another within the next ffew days to make up for it i swear. comment and let me know what you think! dont forget to vote if you want to see more!

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