Thirty-eight • Kinky

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Queen Felicity Lowell's Point of View

After Dimitrius brought me to the beautiful cliff, his eyes never wandered to anything else but me. Yes, I am well aware of what I told him, of what I really wanted.

Some might say that I am crazy, sick, or even going mental but truth to be told, I wouldn't want to do it with anyone rather than Dimitrius.

I feel like he is the right man, the one who cares enough for me, the one who won't let me get hurt intentionally. Most of all, my dirty mind shouted, he knows exactly what to do.

Will it be too soon? No. Why? Life is too short to be measured by time.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered to my ear while tucking the loose strands behind it. My cheeks flushed at his compliment. Yep, the only one who could make me blush.

"You're so handsome," I replied back while placing my small hand on his cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin.

He mumbled sweet things before the air between us got hotter. Dimitrius eyes were flicking from fire red to his icy blue ones and based on the books I read, he wasn't going to last long before his beast controls him.

"Felicity," his voice was an octave lower while his hands battled whether he would continue touching me or not. I placed his hands on my waist while I reached his shoulders.

"Shh," I placed my index fingers on his lips and continued, "Do what you have to do, Dimitrius. Don't fight it."

"You don't understand," he said and looked away, letting go of the hold that we had from each other.

"What else do I have to know, Dimitrius? I thought that we were meant to be with each other," I said in a low voice, trying to turn my face away from his.

"I'm cursed," he suddenly said, looking sternly into my eyes.

What did he mean? "Cursed? Everyone has their own curse, Dimitrius. I have my own, not being able to live the childhood I wanted to have, not being the person I wanted to be until I got away from my kingdom. That's my curse, what could possibly be yours?"

Slowly, my disappointment was turning into anger. Maybe, after all, he didn't want me. He just played me until I fall into his deathly trap.

"No, Felicity, it's much deeper than that," he explained and with a loud voice I said,

"Then, show me, Dimitrius. I hate taking two steps into our relationship and the next thing I know, we're taking three steps backward."

Dimitrius stepped closer to me, put his fingers in my temples and a rush of air seemed to fill my lungs. I closed my eyes and felt our connection through my blood. I knew that he was going to make me see a vision.

! ! ! ! ! MATURE CONTENT WARNING (read at your own risk) ! ! ! ! !

"Sweet dreams, my love," Seraphina whispered into the thin air sending her powers into his dreams.

Vampires were gullible, foolish enough to let a succulent creature like Seraphina to enter their castle. Did they really think that she was a lost teen in the woods, bitten by a random werewolf?

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