The first day of school.

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A/N: H/C: home country. It's time to see what happens first.

You were walking down the street, having just gotten groceries when your phone rang out. You reached inside your pocket, answering:

"Yes, Y/N speaking."

"Ah, Mr. L/N. I have received your message and I believe that your research is intriguing. I've decided to submit your request so come tomorrow morning so we can discuss some details." the voice on the other end replied.

"Of course... Are you certain this is considered legal?" you asked.

"No laws forbid it, considering this situation hasn't been considered from the dawn of the IS technology. You should be fine." the woman assured you.

"If that is correct I'll see you tomorrow." you replied, ending the connection.

After reaching your house you put the groceries aside, instead going to an elevator and pushing a button hidden in the wall. The cage began moving down, stopping and revealing what looked like a lab. You took a suitcase and put some items inside, before grabbing what looked like an IS academy uniform with a blue tie, although it had a white and red vest, instead of the normal blazer along with a shirt in a shade of F/C and, of course, long trousers. You took them upstairs, placing them next to your bed.


Early in the morning you were at the school, wearing your uniform, with the suitcase you had prepared and a pair of glasses on your nose, displaying information about your surroundings. Your eyesight wasn't bad, but they helped you during research.

In front of the school you noticed Chifuyu Orimura, holder of the title of Brunhilde and a well known IS mentor, waiting with a notepad in her hand. You walked up, identifying yourself:

"I believe you're waiting for me Ms. Orimura. I'm F/N L/N."

"Indeed." she replied and, without much courtesy turned away and started walking. You followed closely behind.

Soon you reached a hall where a couple of other professors, but also a student with red eyes and light blue hair dressed in the school uniform, although her blouse was shorter, she was wearing a pale green overcoat and red leggings. Her tie was yellow, indicating she was in the second year. You didn't have much time to look around though, as you soon found yourself alone in the middle of the room, being carefully scrutinised. You breathed in deeply and bowed, saying:

"I believe you want to inquire in regards to my research."

No one actually spoke to you, but their gaze became even more intense. You paid it no mind, instead reaching down to grab something from the briefcase.

"I assume most of you believe a male researching IS is hopeless and ridiculous. However, I have no interest in developing the technology. Instead, my research object is this." at that moment you raised your hand to show an orb in your hand. " The core of the IS. It's the basis of the platform and yet no one has tried to study it. I believe understanding this component can open many possibilities currently unexplored by the original developer. This is where the academy comes in, as every core is unique, and in order to understand their technology I require the possibility to study multiple cores at once. The only question right now is if you'll grant me permission to carry out my research."

You bowed again and stepped back. The room was filled with whispers as everyone was considering your request. After a few minutes Ms. Orimura was the one to get up again, telling you:

"You will be closely monitored during your first few days and dismissed if your research doesn't offer any results or your behaviour is inappropriate. Other conditions are still being discussed.

She then left the room, with you following her closely. On the way she turned to face you and began explaining something again, this time more casually:

"You will be included in school activities as to not perturb the students. You don't have to conceal your research or inability to activate an IS, although in regards to the latter..."

"I believe both concealing and revealing it would come with certain difficulties. Don't worry about it sensei." you replied.

Soon you arrived to what looked like a classroom, although the wall next to the door has crumbled and you could see an IS unit walking through the hole. Chifuyu let out a sigh and went to deal with the problem while you remained close, waiting for a signal.

Ichika Orimura POV (don't worry, it's brief)

I was struggling to escape Laura's grasp, although I wasn't sure what had gotten into her. Luckily I heard a very familiar sound, as my sister bashed her notepad on the desk.

"Enough!! You have five seconds to return to your spot or you'll have to run four laps around the academy grounds."

As soon as she was finished Rin ran away and Laura let me go. Seconds later we were all back in our seats. Chifuyu shook her head and said:

"Today we are receiving a new student. So I expect you to be on your best behaviour from now on."

I was certainly surprised. Usually Yamada sensei was the one to announce new additions to the class. I wasn't able to finish my thoughts, as the new student entered and it was clear he was a male. He placed a suitcase he was holding down and bowed, taking off the glasses he was wearing and saying:

"Good morning. My name is F/N L/N, I'm originally from H/C, although I've lived in Japan for most of my life. I hope to get to know everyone here a little and work together."

As soon as he was finished the girls began freaking out. From my spot I could hear a few squeals and many, many weird phrases:

"He's so handsome!"

"I need to make sure he's placed in my room."

"Is my shirt all right? I should've been more careful..."

Your POV

You had not been expecting this reaction. All you were trying to do was make a good first impression, especially since everything would likely go downhill later. Regardless, for now you simply moved to a spot that had been prepared for you. No one was sitting next to you so at least that wouldn't be an issue.

As the class progressed you put the glasses back on, looking around the room. If your scan was accurate there were four students with personal IS units in the class, with the other one who had created the hole in the wall and Tatenashi Sarakishi it was six students in all. Enough to get an accurate result.

After the bell rang Yamada sensei announced classes would be suspended until repairs were complete. You gathered your materials and were about to leave only to realise your seat was surrounded by girls, watching you as if you were some sort of exotic animal. One of them asked:

"When did you activate an IS?"

"Will you have lunch with me?" another continued.

You got up considering whether to reveal you couldn't pilot an IS or not. But in the end a lie had more opportunities to turn into a much larger issue than a highschool drama.

"I can't actually pilot an IS. I'm here for research purposes..."

"This is unbelievable!!! Is this academy truly letting every peasant in this time?" a voice shouted.

You knew who it was even without looking. Cecilia Alcott, representative contender of England. Her reaction was just what you had expected though, as well as everyone losing interest in talking to you, though they were still examining your movements. You scoffed and left the class, going to the maintenance areas and setting up some additional equipment in the scanners. You'd work on outfitting the IS repair platform later.

Just as you were done and looking through the records a girl entered the room. You realised it was the one who had busted the wall, Lingyin Huan. She was surprised to see you, although it was clear she knew who you were, as she mumbled something under her breath.

"I believe you're here for a routine check after the incident that happened a few days ago... That must've been quite a beating."

"Sh-Shut up!!" she said crossing her arms and turning around "Idiot."

Hearing your reply the girl went to the room over to change into her IS suit. When she returned she was muttering what were likely some very bad things about you and glancing at you frequently, trying to see if you were staring. You weren't watching her tough, as the information was getting projected onto the screen.

You checked the condition of her IS, checking for any modifications in the specs and data, before moving on to the state of her body. After a brief examination you gave her a report:

"The damage readings on your IS are low Ms. Huan. Considering the rate it's been repairing at, as well as the events of this morning you'll be able to use it at 100% capacity tomorrow starting from precisely 10:32 AM. But since it's highly unlikely you believe me to be able to make this analysis you may come tomorrow to confirm it with the regular crew."

It was only then that you looked up, seeing Lingying was surprised by you reading her thoughts like that. You didn't linger, instead moving your head to the screen concealed by your suitcase, where the additional information had finished recording, giving you the model number of the core and the usage time, along with some additional info on previous repairs and outfitting. With everything done you disconnected your own equipment and headed to the mess hall.

You were now sitting on the side of the room, eating the food you'd chosen and going over the data when Ichika Orimura came and asked:

"Can I sit here?"

"The mess hall is a public room, which means you can sit wherever you like." you replied, going back to your research.

With a confused Ichika took a seat across from you and after a few minutes of silence said:

"I wonder what is up with the girls here. There are some really weird rumours about you floating around..."

"They don't concern me. I stated my reason for being here, there's nothing besides it." you replied, still uninterested.

"All right then. I can show you around the school." Ichika said.

"You can tell Orimura sensei that I do not need a tour." you told the boy "Besides, I wouldn't want to ruin your good reputation." you continued in a monotone voice.

To your surprise the last sentence did not have any response, Ichika's face remaining unchanged, maybe a little more confused than before. You let out a sigh and pushed your chair, lifting your empty tray.

After leaving you passed by the arena to check the hangars and place a couple of sensors. As you were getting out through the audience area you saw Tatenashi, sitting on a bench. Your attempt to pass by was futile.

"Y/N. I have been receiving complaints about you. The students say you're just a pervert who wants to spy on them." she said.

"I've made my research clear and Ms. Huan can confirm that my behaviour has been in no way inappropriate." you replied dryly before turning to leave.

"I will have to escort you for the rest of the day at the request of the student council." she said, taking out her fan, the words "council president"on it.

You shrugged and went back to the IS control platform where you first went to the body scanner, placing a couple of extra sensors under the floor and ceiling before running them as a demo.

"These are created to detect electrical interference caused by the unit in its inactive form. The rest of the sensors are on the IS repair platform and monitor possible core damage. It's more of an upgrade to the existing sensors."

"So you want to say you're clean..." Tatenashi said, coming closer and grabbing your tie, her hand moving up your chest.

"I do not need your flirtatious personality possibly getting me expelled." you said, pulling back. "I will be returning home."

"In fact you aren't. Your belongings have been brought here. It's been decided that you will be staying in the school's custody for your protec..."

"To assure no classified information leaks. I'm being arrested." you interrupted. "Rummaging a person's house is still a crime. And yet, the school can get away with it."

"Oh... U-Ummm." Tatenashi said, clearly taken aback by your accusation.

You let out an annoyed sigh before handing the girl a note and motioning for her to lead the way. After walking to the dorms and noticing everyone was asleep you reached a room. In spite of its two beds it was pretty empty.

"I assumed I would be placed in the same room as Orimura Ichika."

"It was the plan, but his roommate asked for the current arrangement to remain unchanged." Tatenashi explained. "Luckily a room was still free." She said with a wink.

You looked around and quickly turned, realising what the gesture could've meant, wanting to ask about the other person who was supposed to live here. But the girl had already left without a word. Temporarily ignoring the fact you had been totally set up to crash and burn you prepared for sleep, trying to avoid worrying about the next day.

A/N: Here's the first chapter. You can suggest girls to be in a room with if you like and I'll try to include them.

Rising in a female world (infinite stratos X male reader; Vol 1)Where stories live. Discover now