Chapter 3

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A/N It's high time I got back to this. Also, I've discovered option number three regarding the story.

Chapter 3 Ocean's eleven

You woke up earlier than usual that morning so Tatenashi was still asleep... in your bed. You slipped out of her arms, also dragging the pillow after you and leaving it in the girl's arms.

The bed creaked as she shifted, although the trick worked and Tatenashi hugged the pillow, continuing to sleep. You took a quick shower, thinking about the last day. After you finished classes you were on duty at the maintenance platform and Tatenashi had agreed to let you inspect her IS while she worked. As such, by the time you returned to the room it was late so you went straight to bed. She must have slipped in next to you later during the night.

In spite of your slight irritation you let it go and settled at your workstation, putting the core of your sister's IS inside. Since it was mostly inactive now you had begun digging in deeper, to try and separate the base code of the program and analyse it. If you managed to find out how the deployment process worked you'd be able to track machinery using the same technology and, as long as you knew the core's model number, individual units.

As the initial a analysis began a pop up notified you of a potential breach in the system. You checked the security subroutines, finding an anomaly in each of them. And considering the circumstances you were pretty sure who was doing it.

"It's time for a showdown." you thought, cracking your knuckles.

You began typing quickly, moving between multiple keyboards to fix the breaches in security. Although it wasn't that simple. As soon as a problem was fixed another would get worse. Realising you wouldn't be able to solve everything you switched your attention to a few key areas, deciding to leave the others since they could be rebuilt later.

After half an hour of work it was finally over and in spite of a third of the system being compromised nothing important had been accessed.

"Huuuhhh." you groaned slightly after the final traces of the malware were gone.

"What happened?" Tatenashi asked, still sleepy.

"Nothing important. I had to deal with cybernetic attacks before, although considering how elaborate this one was it was more like a nice challenge." you replied. "How come you aren't busy already?"

"Today is a free day since you're leaving for the beach trip later." she explained. "I have other plans though." she continued in a playful tone.

You waited until the girl left to the shower, trying to ignore her less than subtle flirting. After the door was closed, thank God it was automatic, you stepped over her clothes and got your track suit, turning your workstation back into its inactive form, leaving the core safely hidden inside.


You finished your laps around the school and entered the Kendo club main room after dressing in appropriate clothing. As soon as you did something glistened in the dark and you put your hand forward, catching the knife before it hit your face.

"Morning Y/N!" Laura greeted. She was dressed in a Kendo outfit identical to yours, sitting on a box.

"Laura... you seem awfully happy today, especially after almost turning me into a pirate." you replied with fake seriousness.

"I always did it back in Germany." Laura said, not catching on to your irony. That much hadn't changed.

"Well what do you say you do something else for old time's sake?" you asked.

The girl blushed and removed her eye patch, revealing her yellow gemstone eye. You smiled at her, causing her to blush and said:

"You look a lot better without it. Now, since you're here why don't we do some training together?"

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