Chapter 10

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A/N: I am excited and anxious to present this chapter. But here we go!

Chapter 10 For her... anything


I woke up and went to the main room. The shower was running so I decided to wait for Y/N to come out. Seven minutes, then thirteen, twenty. By that point I was losing my patience. Only my longest showers took that much time. As such I barged inside the bathroom and saw no one. He had left the water running to confuse me and waste my time. No. To buy time.

I dashed to the bedroom and changed. It had been stupid of me to think he wouldn't leave like that after the other day. And if I didn't get results the general would take matters into his own hands. And I had to avoid that.

When I was dressed I quickly went to the door, only to find out it was locked. A couple of minutes of searching made me realise he had taken the key with him and probably checked out, because his bags were nowhere to be found either. I tried the phone only to see the wire was missing.

"Ok. Now I'm really starting to loathe how thorough he is." I said between gritted teeth.

The only options were to knock the door down or wait for the people in charge of cleaning to get here. Both would cost me about the same amount of time.


You had just reached the subway tunnels with the items you'd bought in tow. Supposing Natasha had woken up right after the hotel was out of your line of sight, considering you hadn't seen her at the windows, that would give you fifty minutes if she had forced the door and one hour and thirteen minutes otherwise. Plenty of time considering your train would arrive in forty minutes.

You jumped down next to the tracks and walked pressed against the wall. Ten minutes had passed when you got to the fork in the road. It had been concealed with a hologram so whoever owned the complex beyond it was quite wealthy. Once there you placed a motion sensor and set it up.

You walked the rest of the way to the lever used to switch the tracks with a wire connected to the sensor. You weren't certain why a lever was there and the only theory you had was that when the subway had been extended they had failed  to dig past a particularly hard section and abandoned the project, leaving the rest unaltered.

You took out a couple of motors, steel bars and a drill. The idea was simple. You would fix the motors in the platform below and hook them up to the sensor so one would activate the lever and the other would deactivate it once the sensor stopped working.

"Fifteen more minutes. I'll have to run." you thought, checking the mechanism once and then taking a final look down the tunnel.

The entrance was surrounded by an electrical field. Pretty much impenetrable for any normal person but easily avoided using an IS. It was clean and efficient, since no one would be able to get anything resembling a Faraday cage down here. You had needed to get a little more creative to pass.


You had gotten on the subway first and immediately made your way to the front car, kicking the door down. Before the conductor could even scream you punched him in the gut, pushing the air out of his lungs and then followed up with a slam on his head, knocking him out.

You dragged him and put him on the floor of the next car. Since you had gotten on quickly no one came to it until you were already back at the controls. They screamed and froze while you decoupled the car and began moving, setting the speed as high as it would go. After that was done you retrieved the last item you'd gotten this morning. A pair of electrician boots and gloves.

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