Chapter 4 Part 2

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"COUSIN!!! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!"Said Professor Kukui.

Author: *Appears* You guys guessed Professor Kukui too? WELL NO SHIT SHERLOCK!!! HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO SAYS "COUSIN" ALL THE TIME! AnYwAyS....I gotta go!!! Cyaaa!!*Disappears*

"Nothing..." Ash replied.

"Yeah...Nothing...."Serena said.

"Anyways.....I'm leaving....bye...." Ash said while leaving.

"Uh...Bye?" Gary awkwardly said.

[With Ash in his room]

"Come on out!" Said Ash while throwing a Pokeball.

"Master?" Said Riolu.

"The name is Ash, Riolu." Ash said.

"Yes, Master." Riolu said.

Ash facepalmed

"Ugh..." Ash sighed.

"So....Why am I out?" Asked Riolu.

"We are training!" Ash said happily.

"Inside the room?!" Riolu asked.

"Nope! We are going to the forest....where I found you...." Ash says while he puts on his jacket.


"Th-The...Forest?!" Nervously said Riolu.

"Mhm" Ash said while nodding.

"I.....kinda don't want to go there....." Riolu said.

"Uh..Why? Did anything happen there?" Asked Ash.

"Y-Yes....." Said Riolu.

"Maybe you wanna talk about it?" Said Ash.

"Fine...." Riolu sighed.

"The previous trainer abandoned me in this forest and I had problems alone in the wild....especially with a Ferrows. Once it almost killed me....a Pidgeot put me down and went after it...That's when you found me." Explained Riolu.

"A Pidgeot, Huh? Hmmm.....Okay....Since you're scared of this forest, we're going!" Exclaimed Ash.

"Thanks Mas- WAIT WHAT?!" Yelled Riolu.

"You heard me....Now c'mon" Ash said.

"Fine...." Sighed Riolu.

[At the Forest]

"Ok, Riolu, you start raining with Pikachu. Also eat these." Ash said while giving him 5 rare candies.

Hours of training later......

Riolu starts to glow white.

"No way....." Ash said.

"The next day at 4:55.

"Our next battle is Nick from Hoenn vs Champion Aaronnnn!!! Please come to the battlefield."

[With Ash]

"Are you ready?" Ash/Aaron asked through Aura.

"Yes Master...." Lucario said through Aura.

[At the battlefield]

"Time to battle, Sceptile!" Said Nick while throwing a Pokeball.

"We have 10 minutes. Come on out!" Ash said while throwing a Pokeball.



"Leaf Blade!!!" Yelled Nick.


"Aura Sphere...." Ash calmly said.

Aura Sphere hits Sceptile....

"Dragon Pulse!" Said Nick.


"Counter it! Bone rush!" Ash said.


Lucario countered the Dark Pulse and counters it back to Sceptile. The Dark Pulse hits Sceptile and flings him to a wall.

"The winner of this match is....AARONNNN!!! No surprise here folks!!!"

"Good job, Lucario...Now return....time to go to Gary" Ash said.

[In his way]

"Aaron! You did a good job out there!" Exclaimed ???

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