Chapter 19

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"Sawyer is stop is G-"

"AARON!" Called ???.

"Huh?" Said Ash/Aaron as he turned around

"Oh thank Arceus, you didn't leave yet..." Diantha sighed.

"Hmm? Oh hello there....Do you need anything?" Asked Ash/Aaron.

"We need to talk." Diantha said.


[Ash/Aaron's POV]

"Shit! Does Diantha know?!"

[End of Ash/Aaron's POV]

"Umm...I don't think I know seem familiar though...." Ash/Aaron nervously said.

"I am the actress here Ash....Not you...." Diantha said.

Ash stood there frozen.

" name is Aaron, not As-" Ash gets cut off.

"Welcome back, master!" Lucario said while running out of his room.

"Oh, hello there Lucario! How did you know I was here?" Asked Ash/Aaron.

"I sensed your Aura, so I came to greet you." Said Lucario.

"Oh ok! Anyways, let's go!" Ash/Aaron said.

Ash turns to Diantha.

"Uhhh....I think I gotta go now..." Ash/Aaron nervously said.

"Oh! You're not running away from me, that easily!" Diantha smirked while walking behind him.

"Uhhhhh....." Ash/Aaron nervously said.

[Ash/Aaron's POV]

"This can't be happening to me right now...."

[End of Ash/Aaron's POV]

"We have to talk, right now!" Said Diantha.

"Fine...follow me...." Ash/Aaron sighed as they walked into his room.

"Good..." Diantha said as she went into his room.

Ash locks the door.

"You owe me an explanation!" Diantha remarked.

"I owe you NOTHING!" Ash/Aaron growled.

"What?! Ash, you disappeared for 5 years and then you come back from out of no where-" Diantha gets cut off.

"How did you even know it was me?! No friends...almost...Don't understand who I really am! You were almost a stranger to me and still saw through this mask! I think YOU owe ME an explanation! So how?!" Ash asked.

"It is true that I'm not as close to you as your friends...but I pay more attention to my surroundings." Diantha replied.

"I still don't understand..." Ash said.

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